Amita Pradhan
Grand Canyon University: NRS 451V-O101
September 29, 2013
Health professionals demand is on the rise due to nation's 78 millions aging baby boomers. Nursing profession is in the midst of a cyclical and worsening shortage. Economists estimate 285,000 registered nurses shortage between 2015 and 2020 while 95% of patient care is provided by nursing in hospital setting (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Nursing shortage and the nurse - turnover has become an important issue in health care industry. This paper focuses on important role of nursing leadership and management to approach the situation and the student's personal approach of leadership and management on the issue of nursing shortage and turn-over.
Nursing Leadership and Management Approach in Retaining Staff To understand the characteristics of nursing shortage and turn-over and facilitate the magnetism that promote professional nurses attraction and retention, American Academy of Nursing appointed a Task Force "Magnet Hospitals: Attraction and Retention of Professional Nurses" a in 1981 (Mclure, Poulin, Sovie & Wandelt, n.d). The study identified some workplace factors that they were able to attract and retain a staff of well-qualified nurses and were therefore consistently able to provide high quality care, such as Management style and Organizational structure, Professional practice, Quality of leadership, Staffing and Workload, and Professional development (Mclure, Poulin, Sovie & Wandelt, n.d).
Management Style and Organizational structure: Communication and involvement of staff at all level of committee planning and development, encouraging them to provide feedback or input and listening to the nurses who comes in contact with the patient in frontline was the key. Decentralization of Management department were adapted by magnet hospital. Nurses had an opportunity to be involved
References: Creasia and Friberg ( 2011). Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, 5th Edition. Mosby. Haeuser, J. L., & Preston, P. (2005). Communication Strategies for Getting the Results You Want. Healthcare Executive, 20(1), 16-20. Huber (2010) Leadership and Nursing Care Management,4th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company Laschinger, H. K. S. (2012). Job and career satisfaction and turnover intentions of newly graduated nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 20, 472-484. Retrieved from -2a13-466a-b407-60619e098e60@sessionmgr112&vid=2&hid=107Mclure, M. L., Poulin, M. A., Sovie, M. D., & Wandelt, M. A. (n.d). magnet hospitals attraction and retention of professional nurses . Retrieved from