Originally on 11/17/11 Senator Richard Moore presented bill S2072 to the Senate Ways and Means Committee. On 1/30/12 changed to bill S2122. And Senator Steven Brewer sent to the Senate Ways and Means Committee. On 1/31/12 as bill S2115 it was sent to the Senate Committee of Ethics and Rules. This was sent to the House Ways and Means Committee and combined with bill S2072 it became bill S2125 on 2/2/12. On 2/6/12 it sat in the House Ways and Means until 7/30/12 as H4346 where it went to the House Steering Policy and Scheduling Committee. On 8/9/12 both the Senate and the House enacted and laid the bill before Governor. Governor Patrick signed the bill on 8/18/12, Chapter 244 of the Acts of 2012.…
Nevidjon, B., Erickson, J. I., (2001). The nursing shortage: Solutions for the short and long…
Fox, R. L., PhD., & Abrahamson, K. PhD., R.N. (2009). A critical examination of the U.S. nursing shortage: Contributing factors, public policy implications. Nursing Forum, 44(4), 235-44. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/195019237?accountid=32521…
The nursing shortage is considered a global phenomenon that is projected to continue well into the future (Cowden, Cummings, & Profetto-McGrath, 2011). In 2001,…
Every discussion about the nursing shortage notes that the root cause of the current shortage is different from the shortage in the past. That may be true to a certain point but some of the contributing factors remain the same, women have more career choices now than in the past. However there are some major differences between the current shortages and that of the past. One of the key differences is the aging nursing workforce and the global nature of this shortage. Another difference is the change in the way patients are cared for in…
Nurses are in an ideal position to propagate changing within the health care workforce, with three millions nurses to effectuate change, and the objectives within the Affordable Care Act (ACA) providing the largest overhaul within medical care since the inception of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) in 1965 (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010). The intent of this paper is to discuss the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report regarding the future of nursing as it pertains to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. Next, a review of Nevada’s state-based action coalitions and how Nevada advances the goals of the IOM report. Lastly, two Nevada coalition initiatives will be outlined, discussing the advancements and barriers that need to be overcome.…
In 2010, the United States healthcare system began its dramatic transformation as the president signed comprehensive healthcare legislation into law. The legislation, cumulatively referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), offered 32 million, previously uninsured Americans, access to affordable health insurance (IOM, 2011). As Americans rejoiced and signed up for insurance, concern mounted as to whether the current healthcare system could tolerate the increased patient load. The nursing profession, in particular, was expected to face several obstacles in response to a transformed healthcare system (Trouble, 2014). According to an article in Health Affairs, addressing these obstacles requires effective production and use of the nursing workforce (Rother & Lavizzo-Mourey, 2009). In an effort to guide the impending increase of Americans expected to seek healthcare, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) along with the Committee on the Robert Wood Foundation (RWJF) formed an initiative on the future of nursing. The 2-year initiative served as an action-based model for the restructuring of the nursing profession (IOM, 2011). The committee identified four key messages that guided the IOM discussion including the future of nursing education, nursing practice and the nurse’s role as a leader. The key messages and recommendations of the initiative on nursing provided nurses with the unique opportunity to further define its role in the healthcare field.…
The Health Resources and Service Administration is the primary source of funding for nursing education and their cap for funding available to advanced education for nurses has been lifted. The Nurse Faculty Loan Program enables schools to offer loans to masters or doctorate level nursing students interested in becoming teachers and that funding has grown as well. The Nursing Student Loan & Nursing Workforce Diversity programs both help to ease the nursing shortage by enabling students from disadvantaged backgrounds to receive more financial help to aid them in nursing school. “These resources include access to long-term, low-interest loans and partial loan cancellation for nurses who choose to work in parts of the country where there 's a shortage of health care professionals” (Wakefield,…
The nursing shortage is not an issue that can be ignored any longer. The shortage is becoming a nationwide issue, and the nation needs to take action. Fewer people are entering the nursing profession, current nurses are retiring and leaving their jobs, and the dissatisfaction with patients and staff is not being taken care of. The following is an annotated bibliography which summarizes and evaluates three sources that address the nursing shortage.…
Nursing is a large health care field that has enlarged its scope of practice over the years. In US history, the presence and influence of APNs was very important. The role of Nurse Practitioners has steadily expanded. First, was a horizontal movement to embrace expertise in medicine. Second, the scope moved vertically to encompass graduate nursing education. Since 1996 there has been a rapid, transformative evolution of the position APNs hold.…
There are numerous reasons for the nursing shortage nationwide. Perhaps one of the most influential reasons is related to the scarcity of resources that include nursing faculty. A decreased nursing force can be directly correlated with the declining number of nursing faculty available. Multiple factors including lack of interest in becoming nursing faculty, lack of funding, noncompetitive salaries, aging faculty, and global migration of nurses affect the nursing faculty shortage. If left unsolved, the issue of a scarce and diminishing nursing faculty will result in a larger nursing shortage. Appropriation of funds to nursing education programs and facilities…
The nursing profession is expected to be one of the most available professions by the year of 2022; with more positions for employment open than any other profession according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The nursing profession is one of the greatest professions with a shortage in its labor force as…
The nursing shortage is a growing concern for the nation. The aging population is causing more demand for qualified healthcare professionals. At the same time, healthcare professionals are retiring faster than they can be replaced. This shortage of nursing professionals is causing more overtime work, which creates more nursing errors. Scholarships and grants are being awarded to students to try and generate more nursing professionals. Many facilities are offering tuition reimbursement incentives to help lure nursing professionals. Many facilities are also offering sign-on bonuses. These incentives show how serious the increasing need for qualified nursing professionals is becoming.…
References: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2013): Strategies to Reverse the New Nursing Shortage. Retrieved on October 6, 2013 from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/position/tri-council-shortage…
The shortage of nursing isn’t something that just came along. The nursing shortage began in 1998. “An insufficient supply of essential personnel, such as nurses, is a stressor that many hospitals are dealing with,” says Buerhaus. The shortage has become the headline of every major healthcare newspaper, including advertisements in search of nurses who may need jobs. The shortage resulted from a combination of factors, including rising demand, little growth in nurse wages, and stressful workplace environments (Buerhaus). Being underpaid is the number one reason for many shortages. Other causes are short nurse staffing, poor work conditions ,inadequate resources for research and education, the aging nurse workforce, and the predominant female nature. It…