1.1 introduction
A new born baby in the family is very much awaited by all parents, but when the baby was born premature, many complications to be borne with the baby. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia is one of the complications faced by the premature baby.
Singer.L et al(1997),mentioned in United States Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia is one of the leading cause of lung disease in low very birth weight infants(VLBW). Infants with BPD had higher rates of mental retardation, associated with greater neurologic and social risk.
Baraldi.E,Filippone.M(2007), mentioned that Northway et al(1967) described firstly that Brochopulmonary Dysplasia is a new chronic respiratory disease developed in premature infants exposed to mechanical ventilation and oxygen supplement. They also suggesting that lifelong consequences may be experienced by those babies affected with lung injuries.
According to May.C et al (2006), they mentioned that common adverse outcome of very premature birth is Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and it will results in a chronic respiratory morbidity. Adams.J.M(2011), mentioned that “Despite important advances in perinatal care and a steady decline in mortality rates among very low birth weight (VLBW) infants (1 month), emphysematous alveoli are seen. Chronic lung damage eventually causes Pulmonary hypertension (caused by thickening of the inner-most lining of pulmonary arterioles), and results in cor pulmonale. Fibrosis, atelectasis, a cobblestone appearance due to uneven lung aeration, and pleural pseudofissures are often seen. Marked hypertrophy of peribronchiolar smooth muscle is present, (E-Medicine, 2009).
Mentioned in Open Physio.com(2009), according to FreeMd (2008) and Medline plus (2005) the following are the most noted signs in an infant with BPD. The most Common signs of BPD are: * Shortness of breath * Cough * Wheezing
If BPD worsens, the infant will present with: * Severely difficult breathing with grunting * The chest and