During my study of the paper, I have been involved in a large amount of teamwork promoted by the lecturers. And from such teamwork; I not only acknowledged many new things, but learned several new skills and gained knowledge. The following my essay reflecting on and evaluating my own performance of my teamwork in MBR.
Specific experiences that allowed me to learn more about myself and working as a team during this semester will be identified and described. The most informative was taking part in the team formation process for the team presentation. For the team presentation, the team members spent a lot of time and effort working together. In the beginning, the team was very disorderly and chaotic; the members were confused about what they should do and how they should do it. During the first two meetings, we were always in disagreement and each team member insisted that their own opinion was the way to go. After two group meetings, we gradually came to consensus in some aspects including deciding our sub-tasks and allocating them to each member, deciding each members’ deadline and the arrangement for the team presentation. Since then, the team has been run in a smooth fashion and team members have followed their instructions to fulfil each task respectively, and negotiated with fellow team members when necessary.
Another interesting experience involving teamwork is taking part in diversity management which was an issue among our team. Our team members are diverse in various aspects, including different cultural backgrounds and gender. Taking cultural backgrounds as an example; our team includes people of Pakistan, Chinese and Kiwi descent. Different cultural backgrounds help determine different values and beliefs in someone’s character; (Thomas, 2002), for example the role of team leader and orientation around time. The high diversity among the team members brought out significant difficulties in our functionality as