Nursing as I know is an important component of the health care delivery system that requires a whole lot of energy and time to put in patient welfare. Although, nursing is a profession that is rewarding and challenging, I have always admired becoming a nurse someday in the future. As a child, I had my father as a role model. My father was a nurse in Cameroon, central Africa. When he retired, he settled back in the rural area where I and the rest of my family lived with him. Considering the fact that the medical system in Africa is shallow, my father wanted to make a difference. As a result of his desire to help people, he opened a clinic and was treating a lot of people in the rural area. He saved the lives of people who were severely hurt by rudimentary tools such as cutlasses and hoes which they used for farming. At that time, whenever my father was attending to his patients, I always stood by the window to see what he was performing. This sparked an interest in me. My father noticed this growing desire in me, and one day, he said to me that I will become a nurse just like him. From that day on, I had that affirmation in my mind.
When I came to the United States, I began my Journey towards attaining my dream by becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant; I worked at a nursing home for four years. At the beginning it was difficult to take care of elderly and sick people, but as I stayed there longer, I further developed much interest in the field. I became so involved with the activities that my passion for it grew as each day passes by. Whenever I missed work it seemed as though a part of me was not at peace. This was because I had started developing some kind of passion to the residents at the nursing home. I became part of them, and they loved me too. Even though, some days were really challenging, but for the feeling that I have for the patients who could not work for themselves, made me never relented to go an extra mile to meet