Thank you, Rhonda, for sharing this information. I support the way you have decided to improve your practice by “Setting examples of continuing to comfort the afflicted.” Nursing is all about caring. Since the time of Florence Nightingale, the nursing goal is to provide safe and comfortable care to the patient. This will promote health and wellbeing (Selanders & Crane, 2012). Mr. Rory Rochelle, Director of Nursing and Allied Health Education Nursing says that caring, altruism and holism are important qualities to have as a nurse (Qualities in Nursing, n.d.). The primary role of a nurse is to provide care (The Essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice, 2008). Theories help nurses to organize care and also to direct…
After leaning about each concept in Nursing 201 I have become more competent than before about the profession of nursing in areas such as evidence based practice, patient centered care and many other areas. I think after learning about patient centered care and the nurse-patient communication I am better prepared to interact with patients. Some things that I find to be especially helpful are to not ask close-ended questions or anything that will result in a simple yes or no, use general leads, use silence and to paraphrase and reflect what the patient says.…
Following an adaption of Johns’ model of structured reflection (Jasper, 2003), I will discuss an event that occurred during my residential placement as a nursing student, what I have learnt and how I would act if the situation arose again. Lastly, I will discuss what I have learnt in relation to the Nursing Council of New Zealand competencies for cultural safety and communication.…
I read from the AZ board website to know the goal, and I know that Arizona board of nursing protect the patient from unprofessional nurses. Also, I went with open mind to know more about the patient right and care to achieve my goal as a nurse.…
My knowledge in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) continues to expand as I progress through the program. As I reflect over the past eight weeks, I have a better understanding of the differences between a research and a Doctor of Nursing Project. Prior to the DNP II, I was not aware of a DNP project. I also learned about the purpose of a research and informed consent form prior to entering a research study. The DNP program has helped me to understand the process of life -long learning (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiatives, 2015).…
I believe that implementing strategies to promote, maintain, and restore health is key to the nursing career; the main goal of nursing is to improve an individual’s health. In my clinical experience, it’s to maintain the individual’s health issues or diseases. An example of using teaching/learning principles is when taking a resident’s blood glucose a family member asked me what the normal range for blood glucose is. I explained that a blood glucose level between 70-100mg/dL is desired. Then I went on to explain that based of the resident’s blood glucose levels a certain amount of insulin will be administered. I also taught the family member that insulin is a hormone that helps the cells take in glucose; which results in the cell using glucose as energy and a decrease in blood sugar…
I am glad to have the opportunity to see different presenters presenting their QIP. It helps me to identify the area that I did good and bad in my presentation. I collect the information by carefully listening to their presentation contents, observing their presentation skills and writing down the key points.…
For my finial reflection I have decided to reflect on the reflective practice itself and my abilities to practice reflection, as it appears I am having some issues with the process. After receiving an A- on my last reflection, I spoke with my Faculty Advisor (FA) with the intention of discovering why I was not achieving marks in the A+ range on my reflections, and what I need to work on to improve on the quality of my reflections. Her feedback was that I was too broad in my approach; I spend too much time discussing the event and did not go into enough depth in my reflective analysis. I hope and anticipate that this reflection will be better; as I hope to demonstrate a deeper analysis of the issue and techniques I can use to improve my skills.…
I was very fortunate to get hands-on clinical experience here in Internal Medicine and Cardiology for four weeks. Apart from history taking with examination in both outpatient and inpatient settings with the case presentation in morning rounds and regular daily follow-up of patients, I had the chance to observe sleep studies in detail, how we practically look for any abnormality in each stage of sleep really fascinated me. Most exciting part of this rotation was getting familiarized with electronic medical records, which took me some time to adjust, but I was quite comfortable in it by the end of my second week here. Owing to my interest in Cardiology I gave a presentation on valvular heart diseases and words of encouragement and praise really…
As a young adult my father suffered two separate heart attacks and had cataracts in both eyes. During this time period, I spent countless hours at Loma Linda hospital shadowing nurses and other medical professionals. It was at this time, I saw how the medical staff at Loma Linda made the total care and wellness of my father along with other patients their top priority. After witnessing this, I knew I would be earing a bachelors degree in nursing.…
Q1: Recall a situation in your clinical experiences in which an ethical decision was being made. If you have not been involved in this process yet, ask your preceptor to share an experience with you. Be sure only to discuss the situation as a case scenario without use of names of persons involved. Which ethical decision-making principles came into play? What impact did the ANA and/or ICN codes of ethics have on the decision that was made?…
During a two week mission trip to Trujillo, Peru I volunteered in a medical clinic. My life purpose; becoming a nurse, was revealed to me while comforting children with distended abdomens due to malnutrition and contaminated water, as well as elders with crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis. This heartbreaking experience, gave me a cultured view of global healthcare needs. My goal as a nurse is to bring joy and comfort to patients. A girl from my highschool was diagnosed with stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma at age 14 and throughout her treatment, she spoke so highly of the nurses that made an impact in her short life. I wish to provide this kind of meaningful compassion to a patient one day.…
There are many instances in the recent past that will affect me greatly in my educational pursuits at Colorado Christian University. I am currently employed as a full time nurse and have been for the better part of the last five years. In that time, I have worked in several different settings; I’ve worked acute care, critical care, obstetrics, pediatrics, emergency care, and long term care. No matter what setting I’ve worked, I’ve noticed that my personality and faith play a big role in the care I provide my patients. Another key component that affects the care I provide is my knowledge; I am always looking for ways to expand that knowledge. In the past, I haven’t put a lot of effort into my schooling. However, with my growing experience as…
I don’t think I took classes at Grand Canyon for the date shown above. I was enrolled there for only 2 systems, but I can try and contact them for my transcript. Please extend my gratitude to the Myer’s Family of how lucky my brother and I are to have such wonderful, caring, and patient people in our lives. I certainly don’t take them for granted, and we apologies for missing the brunch this year. We will try and make it up to them by achieving higher grades this year, and also inform them that I passed the HESI A2 Test yesterday. I will be meeting with a counselor this coming Monday to proceed with the application process to the nursing program at Phoenix College. The wait list is about a semester or two long I heard, and I have also…
After reviewing the post, there are many aspects that I agree and disagree about the nursing care method. I definitely agree on the first priority of nursing care should be to address the patient’s cramping and bloating. The cramping and bloating was essentially the primary concern of the patient and was the result of the constipation. Additionally, I agree that the SMART outcome should involve the goal of the patient having a bowel movement by the end of the nurse’s shift, because having a bowel movement would essentially help resolve the primary concern of the abdominal discomfort. As a part of the pharmacologic treatment intervention, I did agree to providing an alternative medication other than Percocet to treat the pain as that particular…