The morbidity and mortality rate at the military hospital was the highest among all the hospitals in the region. Nightingale's mission was to figure out why the rate was so much higher in Scutari. Her focus was also on the sanitary conditions of the hospital and how it affected the mortality rate. (Fee & Garofalo, 2010).
Florence had several things she wanted to accomplish regarding the military hospital. Her first concern was sanitizing the hospital and providing soldiers with nutritional food, clean water, and appropriate medical care. Then, her focus was on a clean environment and ventilation. (Fee & Garofalo, 2010). Concepts: Nightingale believed a healthy environment was essential for the healing process. She also believed that all patients deserved respect. Everyone, including soldiers, who at that time were persecuted by the military, had the right to appropriate medical care. (Fee & Garofalo, 2010). Methods Utilized
Florence was one of the first to use quantitative research. She kept