Demystifying nursing research terminology. Part 1
Cite this article as: Welford C, Murphy K, Casey D (2011) Demystifying nursing research terminology. Part 1.
Nurse Researcher. 18, 4, 38-43.
Received February 12 2010; accepted October 29 2010
Correspondence to Claire Welford
Email: claire.welford@ Claire Welford RGN, Dip NS,
BNS Hons, MSc, PGC TLHE is
HRB nursing research fellow
Aim This article aims to provide clear explanations of the research approaches available for nursing research.
Dympna Casey RGH, BA, MA,
PhD is senior lecturer
Background There are numerous research approaches available to the nurse researcher. There is also some ambiguity in the literature in relation to research terminology and this often leads to confusion about which approach to adopt.
All at the School of Nursing and
Midwifery, National University of
Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Data sources A review of the available and most up-to-date literature.
Kathy Murphy RGN, BA(Hons,
RNT, DipNurs, MSc, PhD is head of school
Discussion The most commonly adopted approaches in nursing research are described and discussed.
There are many research paradigms, methodologies and strategies available to nurse researchers. As research evolves, more and more approaches are being added to this mixed bag of options. One of the first requirements when planning research is to establish which paradigm and subsequently which methodology or strategy can best answer the research question. This can be a daunting task for novice researchers because there are many conflicting definitions of approaches published and terminology is often used interchangeably. The aim of these articles is to present an overview and explanations of the approaches most commonly used in nursing and healthcare research. They also aim to remove some of the confusion and ambiguity that the novice researcher might face when
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