Metropolitan Campus
Department of science and technology
School of nursing Carmen Torres of Tiburcio
Student name__ Joey Park _____________________________ Professor Vasquez
Family Learning diagnosis________Hypertesion: Knowledge deficit____ __________________________ Date____10/22/12_____________ * Learning Objective | Topics/ContentOutline | Strategies | | ResourceMaterials and Equipment | Evaluation Methods | * | | | | | |
After nursing I. Definition of elevated blood Discussion Hypertension informational After nursing intervention the
Intervention, the family pressure. (question and answer) pamphlets. Family were:
Will be able to : II. Causes of elevated blood pressure Lecture Laptop 1. Recall the definition of blood 1. Recall the Pressure
Definition of elevated III. Risk factors of elevated blood Discussion 2. Identify causes of having
Blood pressure pressure elevated blood pressure a. Family history Lecture 3. Be familiar with signs and 2. Identify the causes b. Age (question and answer) symptoms of elevated blood
Of having elevated c. High salt intake pressure
Blood pressure d. Obesity e. Excessive alcohol 4. Know ways how to manage 3. Be familiar with intake. The elevation of blood pressure
Signs and symptoms
Of elevated blood pressure IV. Management of elevated Blood pressure 4. Know ways how to manage a. diet
The elevation of blood b. exercise
V. Importance of follow up Check up.
term goal
After 6 hours ofnursinginterventions, theclient will have noelevation in bloodpressure abovenormal limits andwill maintain bloodpressure