The documentary "What the Health" Kip Andersen has introduced to us the secret to preventing and reversing chronic diseases. There are many facts mentioned in this documentary about the several illnesses many humans can develop. This can be due to the way they consume food, the way the food was made, or the way it was sold to them in fast food restaurants. The nation’s leading health organizations must have something to do with the developments of these chronic diseases especially since there may be something they want us unaware of. As the film goes in depth about the conditions and causes of them, it will make you question the way you should be eating and taking the precaution of what you put in your body.…
2. IntroductionYour body needs to stay healthy, and the key thing for health is nutrition.Here’s a podcast to get us started!!Click here to look closer into the pyramid!CLICK!…
Diet-fruits, vegetables, whole grains decrease the risk factor while red meat and refined grains increase…
In this assignment I will be describing the characteristics of nutrients and the benefits to the body.…
How often do you get a gut feeling that something is right or wrong? Do you follow your gut? In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, a boy named Huck always trusts his instincts and follows his gut, but doing so sometimes leads him into trouble. Huck basically raises himself, not relying on parental guidance to do what is right. In the novel, Huck follows his gut feeling of right or wrong, which subsequently leads him to accept the norms of society through guilt and family.…
Which of the following statements about the dietary reference intakes (DRI) is the most accurate?…
1. What topic did you choose? Discuss the position of each of the two articles you selected.…
Several chronic diseases can occur in relationship to unhealthy eating. Cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes are a few. Eating foods high in fat can lead to coronary artery disease which can lead to heart blockage which can lead to death. High fat foods as well as over eating can lead to obesity, which can lead to cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes which can lead to death. Though most complications and/or diseases will manifest themselves in adulthood, looking back most will find the risk factors began in early childhood with poor food choices. As stated by Green Facts (n.d.), “The risks of developing chronic diseases begin in fetal life and continue into old age. Thus, adult chronic diseases reflect the combined effects of prior exposure to damaging environments.” As you can see, it is a vicious cycle we must be cognizant of throughout every stage of life.…
Nutrition is an important lifestyle factor that promotes growth and maintains a healthy body throughout an individual’s life. If an individual lives a sedentary life style and maintains a poor diet he/she will become at risk for developing life threatening diseases varying in different conditions from chronic and acute. Examples of such diseases included but not limited to be heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer. Life threatening diseases mentioned above and other disorders will & may contribute too many deaths Risk factors such as hereditary, life style choices or poor nutritional habits also contribute to life threatening diseases.…
I am 21 years old / female and my life stage is that I am very activate I play sports such as volleyball and I also go to the gym to work out. My workout routine mostly consists in weight lifting and 15-30 min cardio.…
Brian’s unhealthy eating habits have caused his body to either be receiving inadequate amounts or a surplus of water-soluble vitamins. Brian is taking in to much Thiamin or Vitamin B1 because the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) is 1.2 mg/day, the Daily Intake Value for adults is 1.5 mg and he is consuming 3.18 mg. He is also taking in to much Riboflavin or B2 because he is consuming 3.29 mg, his RDA is 1.3 mg/day and his Daily Value for adults is 1.7 mg. Brian is also taking in to much Niacin or B3 because his RDA is 16 mg NE/day, the Daily Value for adults is 20 mg and he is taking in 45 mg/day. He takes in 2.41 mg of Vitamin B6, which is too much, compared to the RDA of 1.3 mg/day and the Daily Value for adults, which is 2 mg. He also takes in too much Folate of Folacin since the RDA and Daily Intake Value for adults is 400 mcg/day and Brian is consuming 472 mcg. Another water-soluble vitamin that Brian might be consuming too high of an amount of is Vitamin B12, where he is taking in 5.2 mcg and his RDA is 2.4 mcg/day. However, according to the Daily Value Intake for an adult is 6 mcg, making the amount of Vitamin B12 Brian consumes acceptable. Lastly, the one water-soluble vitamin that Brian is not consuming enough of is Vitamin C. His RDA for Vitamin C is 90 mg/day and he is only taking in 51.5 mg.…
Fish and lean meat , vegetables and fruit , Milk and Dairy foods and some starchy foods…
Unhealthy lifestyle such as dietary pattern, physical activity, unusual sleep and abnormal body mass index (BMI is a measure that most individuals can use to check if their weight is healthy for their height) is a key risk factor for CVD. Firstly, a great many countries are confronted with a nutrition transition that consists of cheap calories, animal foods, refined grains, sugary drinks and fast food (Harvard School of Public Health, 2012). For example, McDonald aims to open 2000 outlets in China by 2013 (ibid). Therefore, the consumption of junk food which contains excessive salt, saturated fats and sugar is increasing significantly, especially in developing countries such as China. In addition, it is claimed that vegetable and fruit can reduce the risk of CVD mortality (Hung, et al, 2004). Nevertheless, the consumption of this food is considerably lower than the average level. For example, the bulk of Europeans do not reach WHO recommendations on vegetables and fruit consumption (≥ 400 g per day) ( European Food Information…
1. (TCO 2) In the body, the major storage sites for glycogen are the: (Points : 1)…
State what your three worst dietary habits are. Why are they considered bad habits? What health risks are associated with these bad habits?…