Thesis statement- Although healthy eating is a lifestyle choice, the lack of convenient healthy food alternatives, the geographical location of those alternatives in proportion to overweight Americans, and the cultural norms of insalubrious eating are responsible for the rising rates of adult obesity in the Unites States.…
“More than one-third (36.5%) of U.S adults have obesity” (“Center” Internet). “At least thirty million people of all ages suffer from an eating disorder. Every sixty-two minutes at least one person dies as a direct result from an eating disorder”. As Americans, our nation suffer from many health issues related to food. America is high in obesity and eating disorders. Due to media and peer pressure, many people wants to have the “perfect” image. Fast food restaurants and media influence adults and young children to eat unhealthy food.…
America’s obesity can be an argument that has many sides to it. The one that is the most straightforward and logical is that us as americans are bringing this upon ourselves. We know the kinds of foods that are good and healthy along with the foods that are bad, fattening, and unhealthy. We try to blame fast food restaurants and grocery stores for serving us foods that are unhealthy. In reality, we know. We try to blame those companies because we don’t want to blame ourselves. As much as we are told what is good and bad for our bodies, we tend to ignore that and keep eating those unhealthy products. America is blaming the fast food industry for obesity, when in reality, it comes down…
One of the challenges with most diets that are based on decreasing the total number of calories being consumed is sustaining a high metabolism. Our metabolism is responsible for burning through calories, but when the caloric content of our food is reduced, our bodies shift gears and decrease their calorie consumption. This results in that feeling of sluggishness and tiredness that is common among most dieters, meaning we become less efficient at burning calories. What a metabolic diet does is raise the metabolism to speed up the burning of calories, which equates to a faster weight loss rate. This method of dieting is much more effective than what essentially amounts to starving yourself. But if you are dieting to lose weight, how can you avoid…
Food is an essential part of our lives. We consume it every day and absolutely need it to live and thrive successfully. With something so significant to us, why should we risk the source of where our food comes from? Robert Kenner created a powerhouse documentary film called Food Inc. that gives an accurate description of the horrible realities of corporate farming by providing evidence of the harm affecting both humans and animals. Robert Kenner is a film director and producer. Kenner claims that today; food can be potentially harmful to the health of any consumer and the process of creating certain foods is detrimental to the lives of the animals and humans involved in the procedure. Kenner demonstrates his argument by using the effect of pathos, exemplification, and imagery. Pathos in this film displays a depressing feel to the documentary to appeal to the emotional aspect of viewers. Pathos is represented through the size and living conditions of chickens at Tyson farms and the death of a child named Kevin by E. coli poisoning. Exemplification is used by Kenner to display examples of Kenner’s argument and how they relate to each claim. Exemplification is seen through the versatility of corn and result of cows that have been fed corn. Imagery is important to this film because it leaves a descriptive representation of the concepts, making them more understandable. Imagery is effective to the tone of the movie, especially in scenes such as the living conditions of the chickens, how much manure is involved with cows in the slaughterhouse, and the conditions of workers in the Smithfield slaughterhouse.…
Alison Motluk believes that people who are obese shouldn 't be to blame for their obesity. (562). Motluk claims that “In 1992 about 13 percent of Americans were clinically obese...ten years later that figure skyrocketed to 22 percent...” (562). Many other countries such as the UK, Australia, and many other Western countries are following the United States lead in the obese epidemic, which is seen as one of the developed world 's biggest public-health problems. (563). Motluk claims that people who are obese can 't actually be blamed for it because the culture in the United States promotes obesity which makes unhealthy eating the default option. (563). Motluk quotes Martin Brinks, a psychologist at Duke University 's Diet and Fitness Center, when she states that calorie rich foods are much more easier to obtain than ever before. (563). This is proven by the fact that most of the average American 's food budget is spent on food that is eaten outside of the home, most of which is high in fat and calories. (563). Portion sizes are larger than they used to be, making the consumer want to eat more. (563). In the 1960s a McDonald 's meal of a hamburger, fries, and a twelve-ounce coke contained about 590 calories but now a quarter-pounder with cheese, super sized fries, and a coke contains around 1,550 calories. (563). This really goes to show how much of a change that America has done when considering diet. Motluk provides a valid argument that children are not receiving enough physical activity to balance the amount of calories that they are consuming. (563). In schools, many children do not even participate in a gym class. (563). There is also little to no walking access anymore in towns that are very developed because there are little to no sidewalks available, thus forcing people to drive…
Furthermore, individuals learn bad eating behaviours through the observation of others, and then mimicking their behaviour as a result of vicarious learning. One major influence of this is culture and media. Media is a major source of influence for body images in the western community, showing that it is desirable to be think as individuals are rewarded for it, e.g. through gaining fame and stardom.…
The fast food industry has been part of our American Culture for nearly seventy years. What started from a single McDonalds has grown to become a huge organization. Since fast food has become such an easy answer to a lot of our problems, most people do not stop and think about what they are putting into their bodies and the long-term effects it will have on their health. Therefore, the fame of fast food has caused Americans to experience an increase in adverse medical problems.…
When it comes to keeping the human body, nutrition is the most essential part of everyone’s life. If people do not have full control, it will affect the way they will be in the future. Any change to someone's diet will change their body in the long run, whether it be positive or negative. It is quite apparent, especially in America, that the common person’s nutrition has gone down hill. Since the 1980s, the rate of obesity has inflated double the amount for adults and triple for children (“Obesity” p. 1). Shockingly, America spends more on fast food than on college education, computers, software and cars combined. In fact, in 2005, Americans spent one hundred thirty four billion dollars on fast food alone. In the ‘70s, America only spent six billion (Schlosser p. 10). I am not one to blame McDonalds for the drastic rise of poor nutrition. There are obviously other reasons why. I mainly blame the misinformation and myths that the general public has been told. The reason why that people are more unhealthy now than in the past is…
Within the last few years, obesity has become the number one health risk in America. “For the first time ever, overweight people outnumber average people in America. Doesn't that make overweight the average then? Last month you were fat, now you're average - hey, let's get a pizza!” jokes comedian Jay Leno (Jay Leno Quotes). Although he isn’t quite right with his statement, a large percentage of Americans are at least 30 percent over the ideal weight for a certain height. People are getting fatter and fatter because we don’t exercise as much as we used to. Technology has made it easier to do things so we move less. And with a fast food joint everywhere you look it is hard to pass one buy without grabbing a quick, cheap meal. Fast food restaurants also make you think you are getting more bang for your buck by upgrading to a super size for only $.50 more. Obesity is a problem because it causes many health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even strokes. These are all reasons why America is one of the fattest countries in the world.…
Americans are heavier than ever before and, according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, 60 million adults are obese, and 9 million adults are morbidly obese. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breathing difficulties during sleep, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. It can be caused by many reasons. One obvious reason is the rise in fast food consumption that companies are so adamant on pushing the public to buy, especially children. With fast food chains creating more and more ways to entice the American public to eat their food, it is becoming harder and harder to stay in shape these days. The fast life of America is quickly taking its toll on the public with the silent enemy called obesity creeping up at an alarming rate. In fact, the rate of it overtaking our lives is so fast; the Surgeon General has called it an "epidemic". Now, the real question is- are fast food restaurants really the culprits at work here? In this essay I intend to compare two very different takes on fast food companies and their ways of making people fat as well as my stand on the matter.…
It has been said that obesity in American has become an epidemic. What has caused this huge health issue in this great country? Many people believe fast food is to blame for America being obese. Is it really that simple? What could be some other possible reasons for our country being so obese compared to other countries? In this paper I hope to discuss these issues and show that fast food is solely to blame for this epidemic as well to inform the readers about what they are consuming and giving to their children to consume and in turn help people make lifestyle changes to live healthier.…
Fast food is everywhere around us from the time we wake up to the time we go home to stop and get dinner at a greasy restaurant. Most of us who eat from these same restaurants are not sure of the ingredients in the restaurant’s food or where it comes from. America is always moving at such a fast pace that now most of us don’t even have the time to closely examine the food we consume. One of the main reasons for obesity in America today is that no one has the time anymore to make a healthy lifestyle a priority in their life.…
Today's American culture promotes eating habits that lead to obesity. Many of us help our selves to food that is readily or easily available instead of food that is healthy for us. This habit can be easily explained by the lack of time many Americans have and how many of us eat even when hunger is not present. As a result, America is considered the "fattest country in the world".…
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, approximately one-third of Americans are obese. There are several culprits to this alarming increase such as lack of exercise, failure to research nutrition information, and modality of convenience. Author of the book, “Fast Food Nation”, Eric Schlosser states the expenditure on fast food annually by Americans, has increased from six billion to 110 billion dollars in the span of approximately three decades. Schlosser correlates the increase of consumption to increase of Americans becoming obese. As mentioned earlier, fast food availability is only one aspect of the poor health epidemic. There are not enough valid grounds to prove the increase of obesity and diseases such as diabetes. The employees of the tobacco industry are not slipping cigarettes into the pockets of civilians forcibly. Similarly, these fast food corporations despite their sophisticated marketing are not completely directing individuals to consume their foods. Individuals have the freedom of choice and should be aware that their choices may lead to…