topic of nutrition. According to Romans 12:1-21 we are to “present [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.” It also tell us not to follow the ways of the society, but instead to keep our minds renewed in order to be able to tell what is good. 1 Corinthians 10:312 says that everything we eat and drink should be glorifying to God. 1 John 2:16-173 warns us that the things that belong to the world are not pleasing to God; these things such as “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one’s lifestyle” will pass away. In Revelation 184, the culture was extremely corrupt as they followed the ways of the world; it society continues to follow the ways of the world through nutrition, we will ultimately be judged like the city of Babylon was. Proverbs 23:19-215 tells us not be associated with those who drink too much or eat too much. Ecclesiastes 5:18-206 tells us that we are allowed to enjoy our food and drinks for God gave them to us. These scriptures elude that our culture’s view of food is not good. They imply that we follow the ways of the world more than in a way that is pleasing to God. We tend to overeat and eat everything no matter what is in it. Philippians 3:196 says “their end is destruction; their god is their stomach; their glory is their shame. They are focused on earthly things.” From these passages, we are going to be judged when the Day of Judgment comes unless we can start eating and drinking in a way that honors the Lord. The present-day society sees food in a negative way, especially in America.
The obesity rate in America is a good way of proving this. Most people use food as a reward for themselves; for example, if someone does well in a sporting game, they will go out for ice cream; another example is when people go to the bar on the weekends to get drunk in order to celebrate the week being over. People tend to not know when to stop themselves when they are eating. People also use food as a safe-house; for example, many college kids will stress eat in order to feel better; sometimes after a relationship is ended, a girl will eat her weight in ice cream. We are very protective over our food as well. Most of the time, people do not want to share any of their food with anyone else. Just like in Revelations 184, society has no discipline in what they are doing with …show more content…
food. My own personal view of nutrition is better than the societies, in my opinion. I do not gorge myself on food; Proverbs 23:19-215 says not to associate with people who do. I try to eat in a way that pleases God as 1 Corinthians 10:312 says I should do; I am watching what I eat. I do not drink alcohol or associate with those who get drunk. Based on these passages, I should not be judged for my eating habits on judgment day. My personal view of nutrition is in line with the view of the Bible. The Bible passages also go along with my eating habits. Ultimately, the Bible has good insight on how society views food.
There are many passages that directly talk about it as well as those that elude to what will happen if we follow the ways of the world. If we do not take care of our bodies and treat it like a temple as we are supposed to do, then we will not make it to heaven as it is sin to be gluttonous. I should continue to eat the way I do as I honor God through eating healthy.
: Romans 12:1–2; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 1 John 2:16–17a; Revelation 18; Proverbs 22:1–12; Proverbs 23:19–21; Ecclesiastes 5:18–20
1. Romans 12:1-2. Holy Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Nashville, Tennessee. Holman Bible Publishers; 2009.
2. 1 Corinthians 10:31. Holy Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Nashville, Tennessee. Holman Bible Publishers; 2009.
3. 1 John 2:16-17. Holy Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Nashville, Tennessee. Holman Bible Publishers; 2009.
4. Revelation 18. Holy Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Nashville, Tennessee. Holman Bible Publishers; 2009.
5. Proverbs 23:19-21. Holy Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Nashville, Tennessee. Holman Bible Publishers;
6. Ecclesiastes 5:18-20. Holy Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Nashville, Tennessee. Holman Bible Publishers; 2009.
7. Philippians 3:19. Holy Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Nashville, Tennessee. Holman Bible Publishers; 2009.