Health & Safety
Lecture programme designed and written by Kirstie Trasler and Ian Fisher
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Level 3 Health & Safety
Updated or amended: 14/10/08
©Highfield.co.uk ltd tel. 0845 2260350 www.highfield.co.uk www.foodsafetytrainers.co.uk
Using the Highfield Level 3 Health & Safety Training Pack
This training pack is designed to provide tutors with the information, training aids and ideas to present an Intermediate training course, as described in legislation, Approved Codes of Practice and guidance notes. It is intended to provide tutors with a framework of course lecture notes suitable for use with the CIEH Level 3 Health and Safety. It may be used for in-house courses to promote the same level of knowledge amongst line managers and supervisory staff, as if they had attended an accredited course. It is recommended that the course be run for at least twenty-two hours. This may be carried out as an intensive course over say, four consecutive days, or on a specific day over a four-week period. The examination at the conclusion of the course may be completed on the fourth day or, alternatively, the candidate can be asked to return a week or so after the last day. There are fifteen lectures covering the following subjects: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • An Introduction to Health and Safety