Dementia is a progressive illness that usually occurs over a period of time one of the earliest signs of dementia is problems with a persons memory, this can result in the individual behaving and communicating differently .
Because there are so many different types of dementia the signs and symptoms of these can vary widely, because of this the communicating abilities of the individual will vary greatly each form of dementia will have certain symptoms that may be relevant to that disease but some symptoms may be present in more than one form of dementia.#
This is the most common cause of dementia around 60 to 80% of all cases have this type of dementia.
This type of dementia can lead to a person having difficulty remembering peoples names, places and recent events, they have difficulty learning new information this can lead to difficulty in communication as they may not recognise the person and not engage in conversation with them.
This is the second most common type of dementia and occurs after a significant vascular event like a stroke for instance, symptoms of this are very similar to alzheimers although memory might not be so greatly affected, the ability to perform tasks already learnt by the person may be lost they may have problems with planning ahead because of this the person can show signs of apathy and depression .
DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES the level of decline in somebody with DLB is very similar to alzheimers they may have problems with memory judgement and behavioural issues, they may suffer with visual hallucination and their alertness and cognitive functions may fluctuate daily, muscle rigidity and tremors are common.
Rapidly fatal disorder that impairs memory and coordination and causes behavioural changes.