
nvq2 hsc unit 18

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nvq2 hsc unit 18

Understand the role of communication and interaction with individuals who have Dementia

1 Understand that individuals with dementia may communicate in different ways.

1.Explain how individuals with dementia may communicate through their behaviour.

People with dementia communicate in many different ways
Looking at old photos
Body language, (including posture and facial( expressions )
Become aggressive.

1.2 examples of how carers and others may misinterpret communication.

You could misinterpret a person who has dementia because you do not know the full extent of the illness.
So when a service user becomes aggressive you may think they are being nasty to you when in reality it is the illness and they do not know any different.

1.3 Explain the importance of effective communication to an individual with dementia.

Effective communication can improve the quality of life for someone with dementia so try and find out the best way to understand the service user and what level of dementia they have so you can learn to communicate in a way they like (singing)
Speak to family members of service user to find out how they like to communicate
Read the care plan for information
Speak to other carers

1.4 describe how different forms of dementia may affect the way an individual communicates

The different type of dementia affects the brain in different ways and each individual communicates their thoughts and feelings in a unique way

In the early stages of some forms of dementia people have difficulty finding the right word; and in the later stage words become lost completely in all forms of dementia.
It becomes harder to put sentences together as the disease progresses.
Automatic responses such as “hello” are maintained for long periods of time.
In the late stages of the disease a person with dementia may have very limited ability to speak.

2 understand

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