Knowledge is bred from desire and thrives in the mind of an individual who possesses the aspiration to learn why something happens or how it takes place. It is commonly stated that we humans only use twenty percent of our brain’s , but in all reality the human race is at fault for our incapacity to open up and ideally use the rest of our brain as a resource in addition to what is already utilized. This is due to the way in which society approaches education, or the act of imparting knowledge. In several instances, the works The Banking Concept of Education by Paul Freire and O Americano Outra Vez by Richard Feynman portray their opinions’ on how education affects how accomplished we really are as a people and how different …show more content…
In school we typically learn all the “basic subjects” (science, math, English, social studies etc.) that are supposed to function in progression of the world and make it better, more efficient, stronger in what we know about the world we live in, the people and animals we walk amongst, the plants we see every day. Freire noted that naturally “human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other” and we should foucs on just that in our humanity sharing all our resources to advance together (Freire 63). If our education system is so supreme and has made such great headways, then shouldn’t we be able to share and pass on this knowledge with everyone so that future generations can advance even more? The way to achieve this is not by forming competitions between countries fueled by pride and greed, but to come and unite as one world, one tribe, and aim to reach everyone in their own individual way of thinking. Dr. Feynman advocated this proposal by touching on how our intent must be to better our society and that “we have to do it for a good reason, a sensible reason; not just because other countries do” (Feynman 72). The goal set in everyone’s mind should be to reach out to every person