The main character in the story is actually prejudiced and makes many statements using racial remarks. For example, Mrs. Turpin, the main character, refers to the higher class woman as “well-dressed and pleasant”. She also labels the teenage girl as “ugly” and the poor woman as “white-trashy”. When Mrs. Turpin talks with her black workers, she often uses the word “nigger” in her thoughts. These characteristics she has given her characters definitely reveals the Southern lifestyle which she was a part of.…
In the short story “Early Autumn” the setting reflects upon the mood in many different ways. Hughes uses the populated city to enhance the areas around the main characters Bill and Mary; this makes the reader feel as if they are being rushed. The author also uses all the people to symbolize the fact that the conversation between the two characters isn’t significant in the big picture. The dusky time of day shows that the time that Bill and Mary have left is very short, as the sun sets the setting gets darker. Langston Hughes uses the setting to display hidden details that adjust the mood in the short story.…
In the short story "Good Country People," by Flannery O'Connor the world is made smaller in order to look with great scrutiny at the players of this game of life. There is very little going on of consequence in the action plot, but massive movement in the character arc. In order to achieve this O'Connor focuses in on the key personality traits of the characters. The narrator first introduces two families of social classes that are stratified by money, yet paralleled in some ways. Mrs. Hopewell, a widowed mother of an adult child, lives in a neatly circumscribed life of documented social correctness. Her daughter Hulga, whom has changed her name from Joy, lives with her mother in only a physical sense. She sees herself as above the country by virtue of a higher education. In this case, a PhD in Philosophy which frightens her mother and does nothing to alleviate her self imposed confinement in the rural setting. Mrs. and Mr. Freeman are introduced with their daughters Glynese, and Caramae. Of the four only Mrs. Freeman is seen in the story as a participant, the others used as a means to further the argument of sound common sense and hearth wisdom. Examples of these are the discussions of marriage in the church vs. the courthouse, chiropractic care for a sty, and the eating of prunes to alleviate cramping.…
There are instances when imaginary stories are more powerful than those that actually happened. The fictional reality present in O'Brien's The Things They Carried adds more realism to his writing than any amount of actual details every could. Even though the stories recounted in the book didn't physically happen, they still hold as true as any actual war story. Furthermore, many of the characters and experiences found in these stories have been created from composites of real people and places. Essentially, the stories are first-hand accounts of things that never happened. Tim O'Brien uses this fictional world to negate death, to emphasize meaningful events and character traits, and to enrich the stories with feelings as oppose to factual details.…
Twain describes local customs and the ways that the characters behave to create a more realistic setting for the story. In the story the characters engage in behavior or activities that would be unusual for a regular person to do. For example, the narrator says:…
The purpose of this essay was to describe the rural town of Holcomb, Kansas. The area is described in a descriptive tone that makes the reader feel like they are actually there. Capote uses such great imagery the reader can actually picture what the area actually looks like and can get a feel of why the situation was so shocking to the people of the area. The area is described is quiet, remote, isolated, and small. The reader gets the feel that nothing bad is ever expected to go wrong in this small, innocent town. Nothing bad has ever happened, and there is no one around that would ever cause such a bad thing to happen to them.…
As Janie learns more about herself and finds happiness, the setting of the book changes with each husband. She is raised in West Florida, a southern state once influenced by the Confederacy. Therefore, she is exposed to racism at a very young age. The urban setting of Eatonville with Jody symbolizes a world of corruption. Janie’s freedom is stolen by Jody through his abusive way of life. Janie is repressed behind the city walls where she is confined both physically and metaphorically by Jody. Rural areas symbolize periods of innocence and relative happiness in Janie’s life. She finds peace and serenity living among nature, under the pear tree as a child and in the Everglades with Tea Cake. These rural settings show Janie’s poverty and her kindness…
At times I felt bored by these first few chapters of the novel. There was nothing really keeping my eyes peeled to every page. One particular thing that I noticed was how the geography and social values are interrelated, where each setting corresponds to an idea or character type. For example, the valley of ashes represents poverty and moral decay. The world of East Egg reminds me of the Gilded Age, and how things may seem to have an alluring appearance but is covered with unattractive realities. For instance, Jordan Baker displays boredom, cynicism and dishonesty despite her wealth and…
“You can take a boy out of Kentucky, but you can’t take Kentucky out of a boy,” J.D. Vance writes while quoting Mamaw, his grandmother, and the woman who, in the midst of the adversities of his childhood raised him. With this quote the author explains that the hardship of his upbringing and the cultures of Kentucky, no matter what, will always be part of him. In the book “Hillbilly Elegy,” J.D.Vance, whom is both the author and the main character, narrates about his own experience growing up in the culture crisis of the social, regional, and class decline that affects many white Americans living in the Appalachian Mountains. The elegy of Hillbillies - world used to describe rednecks, the people who inhabit these places- takes place in Middletown Ohio, and Jackson, Kentucky, two cities that according to the author portray the…
Flannery O’Connor’s dismissal of the outside world allows you to understand more of the symbolic quality of all of the active characters. Even the names she chooses for each character help her to establish their significance in the story. O’Connor uses symbolism, good versus evil and the psychological and physiological problems of the characters to create irony in “Good Country People”. O’Connor also uses Biblical parallels for inspiration to depict events in the story. All of O’Connor’s stories have characters that aren’t your typical run of the mill people; she also uses a lot of symbolism and irony in her characters physical appearances. The story is divided into four distinct sections which helps emphasize the relationships between the four main characters. O’Connor is able to establish subtle parallels between Mrs. Hopewell and Joy/Hulga, and Pointer and Mrs. Freeman by dividing the story into these sections. It also allows her to show the different sides of each character. All of these writing techniques help her establish depth in her story and she uses these techniques in nearly all of her stories. “There is very little going on of consequence in the action plot, but massive movement in the character arc” (Jones). In “Good Country People” O’Connor uses a third person narrator to tell the story of various women. First the narrator introduces two families or very different social stance.…
Lastly, another thing that as been developing and changing in the south, is the land. It is something more then something to look at, there is meaning to the landscape that literature incorporates in stories. Especially looking at the differences between the old south and the new south, the landscape that is described in certain books, add detail to the overall plot. It can show how drastically things have may changed from earlier years to the more present. For instance in Faulkner’s, “A Rose for Emily”, he uses the time of the story to correlate to the land. “But garages and cotton gins had encroached and obliterated even the august names of that neighborhood; only Miss Emily;s house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above…
In the novel’s opening pages Steinbeck laces the text with recurring words, illustrating the setting and tone. He repeats words like “red country”, “dust”, “boiling”, and “raw stinging” to make the reader feel as if they are in the scorched and dust covered setting of Oklahoma in the midst of the Dust Bowl. He also utilizes recurring words like “pale”, “dark”, and “grey” as a sort of way to engrain into the reader’s minds with the depressing and utterly tragic tone the introduction to the story evokes. Pronouns like “…they are”, “They awakened”, and “…the people” immediately disconnects the reader from any one person and imply that everyone at this time was going through the same struggles. With the repetition he uses, Steinbeck successfully has his audience feel and see the melancholy tone and blistering setting.…
The setting of this play has a lot to do with the main theme. Because the setting is a small town, it is not use to new ideas, and major cultural shock such as a large city. The people of the town have followed…
Throughout history, there has been an imbalanced relationship between people, and a difference in geography plays a major part in this. Geography is very important, it symbolizes a person. Geography is where a person is from, it shapes them. How that person acts, speaks, and thinks is because of the influence of geography. In The Great Debaters, The debate team is a group of black teens from Texas where they have to face many troubles for the color of their skin. In the Crucible, the geography is in an eerie town near the woods where everyone is trying to survive from each other. The Crucible, Great Debaters, and my childhood all show how geography and setting are extremely influential.…
Southern belles are the way in the south that will have a place to fit. In this particular story O’Connor uses females to demonstrate a Southern social code. The society where these ladies are placed is one where a lot is expected. “The Southern Belle grows up (in genteel style), gets married (becoming a Southern lady), and like the larger American culture’s stereotypical woman, fulfills her highest destiny when she is wife and mother” (Pierce 1). Carramae has the attributes to truly be a southern belle who is a blonde that at age fifteen had come to be both a wife and a mother. Then on the other side her sister, Glynese an eighteen year old redhead with many admirers. Glynese wasn’t one to settle for crumbs she was worth a ’36 Plymouth and to get married by a preacher. Both “Glynese and Carramae are both fine girls,” (O’Connor 5) that any mother would be proud to be affiliated with and brag about and any man ready to escort such pretty ladies. “These Southern ladies are caricatures of normal girls who court young men, marry, and produce children” (Westling 518) representing the ways of a fine South.…