Normal Worship Service
The Gathering/Lighting/Fellowship: During this part of the service congregate gather in the sanctuary with greeting, light conversation and well wishes. When the pastor comes to the pulpit, all congregants take their seats and the candles on the altar are turned on to symbolize the presence of God’s light in our lives.
Response (Congregation Standing) This part of the service requires the reading of specific lectionary …show more content…
Song of Thanks (congregation seated) Song leader leads in the singing of a song that is thanks to God for his blessings. While this song is being sang the finance committee or ushers of the church are collecting the monetary gifts. Offertory/Prayer/Hymn (seated during collection/standing during prayer)The gifts are presented at the altar where the pastor lifts them toward the heavens and thanks God for sharing his bounty with us, and giving us the mindset to return to him that portion that he has asked us to share with others. When the prayer is complete all join in singing “All Things Come of thee O’ Lord” as a way of acknowledging that we would have nothing to give if he had not blessed us with his