What happened instead? The Obama administration has hired more than 70 previously registered lobbyists, according to a 2014 Politico review, and watched many officials circle through that revolving door, as Obama’s lobbying policy was weakened by major loopholes and a loss of focus over time. What’s more, the current laws around lobbying, which the administration measures were built on, simply ignore many instances observers would regard as lobbying and the White House never pressed for changes to those …show more content…
The growth in the Texas prison system’s capacity to incarcerate convicts represents the largest prison expansion program undertaken in the United States during the twentieth century. The growth in the size of convict population in Texas has been attributed to the fact that the number of convicts being granted parole has dropped significantly, and the number of parole revocations has increased. Additionally, it has been argued that given the increased capacity to incarcerate convicted felons, Texas district court judges are today sentencing more violent felons to prison. (Horton, Turner