Professors who supposed to take care and teach their students, look on severe treatments on students or even they assail students. Instead of giving good advice and guidance, “Whips” abuses their power to fulfil their own needs, and interests. Furthermore, Aristotle once said that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth. However, the head teacher even metaphor british education as a “nubile cinderella” which reflects that the aim of the education is in a wrong direction. The education must aim for enlightenments because the education is important. The school is just like our society where the power takes over justices and oppress individuals’ freedom under the name of regulations and customs. Obedience is the virtue in the school. “Whips” and professors treat younger students as their private servant. They abuse their prerogatives as …show more content…
The school in If reminds me of the quote “So here we have a stark irony: Liberalism emerged from the pursuit of the truth quest but its consequences undermined the very quest responsible for its truth. The result is an increasingly corrupt political culture based on self- interest and avarice, while our policies and institutions are leading us to civilizational collapse”(Louis G. Herman, page