During the time when food was unavailable it was an advantage. Now that food is accessible 24/7, an efficient metabolism works at our disadvantage. Other reasons for obesity and gaining weight is because of unhealthy food choices, family habits. Also, high-calorie, low-nutrient snacks, beverages, bigger portions of foods, and less-active lifestyles. The effects of obesity is not only physical, but emotional. Teenagers turn to food because they are feeling upset, anxious, sad, stressed out, bored, or depressed. They often eat more than necessary. Overeating is another great reason four the rise in obesity. The irony that people are pressured to be thin in America, and it causes them stress which leads to overeating or binge eating.
Obesity tends to run in families. A hereditary likelihood to gain weight more easily than others. 40% of children of one obese parent would also be obese. 80% of children with two obese parents will be overweight. With a higher percent of obese people the chances for creating an overweight offspring increase as well. One year old children weighed 50% more during the year 2000, then in 1990. More overweight infants are being