Obesity is an enormous medical issue in which a person suffers from an excess of fat in the body. It can negatively affect the health, for example reducing the life expectancy or increasing the health problems. According to Dellorto, D. (2012), “obesity is a bigger health crisis globally than hunger, and the leading cause of disabilities around the world”. Twenty-fourty years ago the world had problems with smokers and alcoholics; however, nobody thought that food will take control of people. Obesity has occurred when people started eating unnatural foods which are contain the high amounts of cholesterol and calories. As Yaso Shan emphasized on his article In the UK more than one in five people suffer from obesity, yet women are more affected than men with 3 per cent. (2008) Additionally, subsequent studies have shown that the problem of the obesity in the UK is increasing. The number of children who suffer trough obese has tripled over the past 20 years. Statistics showed that children who six and fifteen years old today are obese with 10 per cent and 17 per cent, respectively. Although, alcohol was previously thought to be the only factor which considered a high risk for boosting cirrhosis, obesity carries a higher. The National Institutes of Health spent approximately $800 million in 1974 year on studies to understand the neurological, metabolic and genetic foundations of obesity. In the process, the scientists found out how the neurological foundation makes connection between obesity and brain. In addition, obese can also occur because of the metabolic system in human body. The last experiment was with genetic foundation of obesity. This is something that is passed from parent to child. For example, the mother was eating a lot of fatty foods during pregnancy. Some people can eat a lot, but be in shape. Whereas some people after having a meal of sandwich or burger are putting on weight. The process showed up that some people have a stronger organism than other.
Obesity is increasing in the United Kingdom; accordingly, some strategies were invented to struggle beside obesity. First of all, government should take control measures to deal with the products, which causing obesity in the UK. Patrick Wintour the political editor states, that “controls on junk food advertising could be extended to websites, text messaging, computer games, cinemas and posters under radical plans being drawn up by the government” (2006). Recently, government has suggested encouraging shops and supermarkets to offer extra loyalty card bonus points to customers buying healthy foods low in salts, sugar and fat. As well, Ministers are under political and medical pressure to ban food advertising before the nine in the evening, especially the public health minister Coroline Flint. Ms Flint was told by health expert at a private Westminster seminar 15th June in 2006 that the government would lose their reputation for international leadership against obesity, unless they accepted proposals from the id the ban of advertising the junk food would cost TV channels approximately one hundred forty million broadcast regulators not to impose a ban on junk food before 9pm. However, broadcast department san pounds. (Same author) Moreover, children obesity is one of the most serious public health problems in this decade. “15% of Britain's 5 million children aged between two and eleven were obese and a similar number were overweight”, she says. Why people permitted it to happen to their children? Because, parents no longer pay attention to the products they buy in the supermarkets. They have found the easiest way to save their budget buying less quality foods. Furthermore, the governments what people trust approaching the same technique importing not quality, but quantity. Especially in school’s buffets, what kind of food is given for pupils? Children's lunchboxes remain full of unhealthy food, new research from Leeds University, stated Rebecca Smithers on the Guardian website. We know that parent usually make lunch for their kids and put them into the lunchbox. Accordingly, the Food Standards Agency in the UK has explored what is inside of the lunchboxes of pupils. It turned out that eighty two per cent of their lunchboxes contained junk foods as saturated fat, salt and sugar, crisps, sweets and biscuits. Furthermore, only one from five pupils’ lunchboxes contained with vegetables and fruits, although it shows the percentage of pupils who eat junk food still high.
To sum up, one of the effective ways to reduce the obesity is increasing the taxes for sugary, salty and fatty foods which contain in all types of junk food. Customers would decrease and less people would suffer through the obesity. The principal ways to treat the obesity is diet and physical exercise. Qualified diet and exercise would help to recover the body and keep in fit. As well it is not too difficult to find out a good regime for having a time to eat, and cut appetite. The effectiveness of these strategies is to reduce the number of people who eat food containing high amounts of cholesterol and calories, hence reduce obesity in the UK.
Reference List
1) Danielle Dellorto, 2012. Global report: “Obesity bigger health crisi than hunger”. The Cable News Network [online] Published at: 14 December 2012 Updated 1041 GMT (1841HKT) Available at: < http://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/13/health/global-burden-report/ > [Accessed 08 November 2013].
2) Yaso Shan, 2008. Tackling the obesity crisis in the UK. Clinical [Online] Published at: 13 October, vol. 18, issue 8, Available at: [Accessed 12.11.2013].
3) Rebecca Smithers, 2010. Junk food fills children’s lunchboxes. The guardian [online] Published Tuesday 12 07.00 GMT Available at: [Accessed 11.11.2013].
4) Patrick Wintour, 2006. Radical moves to tackle obesity crisis. The guardian [online] Published Friday 16 June Available at [Accessed 09.11.2013].
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