I was shocked to learn much of what Dr. Harcombe explained in the reading, including the facts that she stated considering the calorie consumption and how it effects someone’s weight in pounds. Dr. Harcombe talks about how crucial the late 1900’s was to the development of obesity because
that is when the forms of obesity that we know of today, began to truly progress. Most notably, this drastic change occurred in the years of 1977 (United States of America) and 1983 (United Kingdom). Dr. Zoe Harcombe uses the word “U-turn” often in the reading; she talks about the evolution of consumption that human beings have taken, most presumably the idea that, specifically, carbohydrates are to be avoided and how it suddenly was believed that basing our diets on carbohydrates was necessary.
I enjoyed reading this profound book being that I, myself, take pride in caring for my overall health, which includes my body regarding staying healthy and remaining in good shape, I obtained a great deal of information that has helped me already ever since reading Dr. Harcombe’s wise pieces of advice.