Consuming to much sodium however can be harmful to one’s body. Too much intake of sodium can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and osteoporosis (Obesity Facts). Also, many experts believe that too much sodium intake can lead to an increased risk of bowl cancer (Obesity Facts). The average adult needs to consume about twelve hundred milligrams of sodium a day (Obesity Facts). Most fast food meals contain almost double this amount of sodium. With so many people eating fast food daily and most of them eating fast food more than once a week more and more people are becoming obese and are having health
Consuming to much sodium however can be harmful to one’s body. Too much intake of sodium can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and osteoporosis (Obesity Facts). Also, many experts believe that too much sodium intake can lead to an increased risk of bowl cancer (Obesity Facts). The average adult needs to consume about twelve hundred milligrams of sodium a day (Obesity Facts). Most fast food meals contain almost double this amount of sodium. With so many people eating fast food daily and most of them eating fast food more than once a week more and more people are becoming obese and are having health