It’s become common knowledge that the US has a problem with the condition of being overweight or suffering from obesity. Today seven in ten people in the United States are currently suffering from the aforementioned conditions. If this statistic wasn’t shocking enough by itself “only 36 percent think they have a weight…
Obesity rates have increased tremendously in the past. We are not looking or paying attention to obesity and how it’s affecting the population as we should be. People are not considering this to be a big problem and how much of a health threat it is. Obesity is affecting the general population, starting from the adolescence. Obesity is overlooked by other disorders…
Today’s society has been faced with the never ending problem of obesity. Many would blame this problem of obesity in America to poor genetics, unhealthy eating habits, and even lack of physical fitness. After viewing this paper and reviewing these credible sources the reader will have a better understanding as to why individuals become obese. All sources in this paper have been written, reviewed, and critiqued by credible individuals.…
Obesity is a condition of having excess body weight. Today in the USA, 97 million adults are overweight, meaning that 1 out of 3 people we come across in our everyday lives may be obese. However, it is also important to understand that being overweight does not mean one is obese. Many people throw around the word ‘obese’ and are ignorant to the difference of being obese or just simply being overweight. Obesity is having too much body weight, as where people may be overweight due to high levels of muscles or water in their body. In recent times, obesity among Americans has almost doubled, causing the USA to have the highest obesity rate. There are many variables that have contributed to this rapid growth such as fast food restaurants becoming increasingly more available and less expensive, automobiles becoming the number one form of transportation rather than walking or riding a bike, and other factors that promote inactivity such as the use of cell phones, email, etc. We ignore this problem and often look beyond these factors because we consider them “standard” in our lives. Although, before obesity rates spiked, fast food was not as unhealthy or cheap, driving an automobile was only possible for a select few, and technology did not exist like it does now. In order to eliminate such high obesity rates in America I believe we must raise awareness on the damages obesity can have on our well-being. In order to so, there should be a higher emphasis put on healthy living rather than promoting fast food and other habits that are harmful to our health. There are many more solutions to this problem such as raising the price of fast food or making it healthier, but many companies are not willing to make these changes. This is why I believe that it is very important that we make Americans aware of this problem. I would like to research this topic because I find it interesting how in a world as efficient as ours today, we are seeing new issues emerge such as obesity…
There are biological and environmental factors which contribute to the obesity epidemic today. A person’s genetic makeup can play a role in obesity because the genes are what instruct a person’s body to react to changes in one’s environment. Environmental factors also play a role in obesity. When people consume convenience foods rather…
Obesity haunts the United States and threatens to seriously devalue our society in numerous ways. There are some that would argue to say that obesity is okay and that it is not that big of a deal, they are…
Obesity is known to be one of the most public health disorder concerned globally. Some of the factors that impact obesity socially is greater exposure to fast-food advertisements, limited access to physical activity opportunities, and poor individual choices/ lifestyle choices. Furthermore according to the article, sociodemographic (age, race, ethnicity, and language) plays a huge role in obesity. For instance, low-income families are likely to face more challenges and become obese due to not being able to eat healthy. These factors of social impact and individual choices also impact biological reasons. For example, due to an individual’s choice of living and…
Biology, behavior, and the environment are all factors that contribute to obesity. The obesity epidemic is being driven by environmental factors such as high energy/high fat foods, fast food consumption, and the advertising of “super-sized” portions. With today’s stressful lifestyles it is harder to maintain a healthier diet and exercise program for most people. Combating the obesity epidemic involves environmental and social policy changes in portion size, availability of healthful foods, and the promotion of physical activity.…
It remains one of the biggest problems in American society and requires a careful, systematic but also immediate solution. Americans are some of the least healthy people in the entire country. The obesity epidemic affects millions of people in the United States. Sadly, enough obesity is a problem that affects everybody, not just adults. Obesity has increased in the past decade, predominantly with people who eat poorly; this is so sad. You may not notice it, but, weeks turn into months and months turn into years and the next thing you know your clothes don’t fit the way they used to and the entire time you never even noticed yourself gaining weight.…
Just thinking about unhealthy food makes most Americans mouth water. Obesity in the U.S has become a huge problem in recent years. America's obesity epidemic has hit a new high with 35 percent of obesity among men and 40.4 percent among women in 2013-2014. Most Americans feel embarrassed to even walk next to an obese person or even go near them without feeling claustrophobic. Obese people are an embarrassment to society and are making America look like an unhealthy place to live.…
epidemic), family matter, or point of discrimination. Nevertheless, determinants of obesity are less field-specific in that behaviors, genetics, and environment are essential contributors to the disease (American Medical Association, 2013)—see The Obesity Society (2015) for a detailed infographic on the causes of obesity within and outside of the…
Obesity, a medical condition in which excess body fat can grow to have a negative effect on the human body and cause long term health problems, affects more than 35 percent of adults along with 17 percent of adolescents (“How many people are affected by/at risk for obesity & overweight”). America is one of many obese countries all over the world. It is an enfeeble health condition that can lead to respiratory problems, Type two diabetes, Gallbladder disease, Stroke/heart attack, Osteoarthritis, and can even result in some forms of cancer ("Obesity - Health Risks of Obesity"). According to National Center for Health Statistics, obesity has grown significantly among adults in the United States over the past twenty years. For many reasons, it is bad enough to have to live with this disorder, but the fact that it is life threatening only makes matters worse. Obesity is affecting a significant amount of people and it has just now became an issue in 2013, little was known about the idea of being extremely overweight but as America becomes more and more advanced everything starts to change.…
Obesity in America is an ever-growing problem each day. As of 2011, The United States of America has the highest obesity rate of any other country of the world. What is obesity? Obesity is defined as “a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body” (Webster). Excess obesity usually begins to have negative affects on the body and often causes health complications. The obesity rate in America has been on the rise for many years and will continue to only get worse if Americans do not take action immediately. Jeff Levi, Ph.D., executive director of TFAH said “Today, the state with the lowest obesity rate would have had the highest rate in 1995.” This is a fact that is not easy to hear and even harder to disprove (Levi). Based on polls taken in 2008, more than 50% of 4,000 people that took part in a poll said that they would give up a year of their lives if it meant they would no longer be obese. The same poll also gathered researched that shows the increasing weight of passengers on planes. Airlines have had to spend almost three hundred million on extra fuel to compensate for the massive growth in weight and size of passengers (Heather).…
Throughout everyone’s existence regardless of the number of times, society has always faced some type of issue. Whether it’s big or small, personal or global, everyone constantly comes across obstacles throughout time. In today’s world we are continuously facing many issues, some with easy solutions others hard to solve. Global warming, governmental spending, health problems, etc are just some of the few types of issues we are facing in today’s society. In my opinion I believe that one of the many difficult problems that we are now encountering is the rapid increase rate of obesity. Now a day the intake of fatty foods and high calories by American citizens is spinning out of control. People are not being cautious of what they eat therefore the rate of their health is on a rise for the worst. Obesity is not a stranger in the USA; however by the rate the consumption is being done, it’s not only becoming a major problem but more like a problem without a steady solution.…
There are many causes of obesity and while genetics tend to play a role in obesity, there is no denying that environmental and psychological factors are also to blame. A lack of exercise and the overly excessive availability of junk food are two of the main factors…