taken away. This solution wouldn’t decrease jobs, the only effect it would have is that companies will have to spend more money on creating healthier foods. Company spending more money means they will probably increase the food prices. When it comes to finding a solution for unhealthy foods, we solve one problem and create a new one in the process. I think eliminating these restaurants will decrease obesity rates drastically for adults and children.
Children’s school lunches are also a big problem. Studies show that if children are taught to eat healthier when they get older they will make the right food decisions. Children listen and implement everything around them. If schools were to get students excited for picking healthier alternatives it would make a big difference. Cafeteria junk food should be completely eradicated from schools. Students will complain in the beginning because everyone prefers junk food over healthy food, but it is for the best. Healthy food is delicious if it is prepared well. School systems should put in the effort to buy healthy foods and hire someone to make the food desirable to children. Eating better will help more with losing weight and keeping the weight off, more than exercise. Exercise is beneficial for many aspects. Exercise stops your joints from decaying, boosts energy, improves mood, and balances your weight. Oklahoma should have a mandatory exercise system. Everyone should have to walk 10,000 steps a week, if not they get fined. Body movement isn’t just for losing weight it also decreases the chances for
diseases. If you don’t like going to the gym there are lots of alternatives to keep your body active: hiking, hot yoga classes, spin classes, swim. And dance classes. These are only a couple, but there are many more you just have to find what is right for you.
Overall, obesity is most of the time is a self-inflicting disease that can physically and emotionally affect someone’s life. It can be prevented and lessened if effort is put in. There are solutions such as close food restaurants and ban the making of canned food, but these solutions could never happen because it would affect the economy drastically. A simpler, more realistic step which can be to eat healthier and exercise can lead people toward the right path to better lifestyles that will help people achieve more in life. Cooking healthy foods can be delicious, and it is extremely beneficial to eat healthy family dinners. The first step is to inform the people about how life threatening and harmful obesity can be. We need to begin the first steps to a better and healthier Oklahoma. Oklahoma could save a lot of money if people adapted to these changes. Healthier alternatives and lifestyle will be the better for the person emotionally and economically.