I am sure many of you found recent comments in the UK Chief Medical Officer’s annual report as chilling as I did.
He said the reality of the obesity epidemic would mean many parents would outlive their children.
We do not want that to happen here. We are facing a child obesity epidemic in New Zealand, but we can still do something about it.
That is why it is so important to be part of a positive symposium like this that aims to “be part of the solution”, to stop laying blame, and to plan the way forward.
I think it is great to get in on the ground floor, to plan for the future, not the let the future hit is.
I want to thank Professor Ian Watson, …show more content…
Not only is this condition affecting a large percentage of the adult population, it is also trickling down to affect our teens and children in a major way. Currently, statistics show that the national considers one in every five kids obese standard. This figure has doubled within the past thirty years, and seems to be on a steady rise. When you consider that overweight or obese people are at much higher risks for developing serious health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis and diabetes, it is easy to see why it is so important to understand the causes of obesity in children. Perhaps by learning what causes the condition, parents and health care providers can go far in preventing and treating the condition before it becomes a bigger health …show more content…
Over consumption is caused by over eating and calories are not burnt because of lack of exercise. Someone who has more that 95 % of the body mass index can be termed as obese. This definition is used for both adults and children, and the percentage of kids who meet these criteria is high as 20 % in recent years. When you consider the health implications of childhood obesity that include diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, it is easy to see why doctors are so worried over the rise in these numbers. This is why it is so important to uproot this problem from the bud. Obesity needs to be controlled now otherwise our younger generations would face lots of problems in their future life. So prevention is always better than