Alexis Garrett
ENG 122
Lisa Clark There is an abundance of articles stating obesity as an epidemic. In order to define obesity an understanding of the term "epidemic" is needed. An epidemic is a widespread occurrence or outbreak of an infectious disease. In this paper I will address the follow questions. When did eating too many big macs while sitting on the couch become infectious? Has the meaning of the word changed to fit in with the news stories? Do they mean that we as a people are infecting our children with bad eating habits and no or little exercise? Should obesity be a public or a private matter? What does obesity cost American 's every year, and what will it cost in the …show more content…
You can get a hamburger from almost any fast food establishment for around $1.00. It costs about 4 times that to get a salad or a choice that may seem healthier for you. Where is the logic in trying to get someone to spend 4 times their hard earned money so they can eat healthier? You can fill your belly with $1.00, so why spend any more than that to fill it. The price of food does not differ in the grocery store either getting fresh produce cost much more then chicken nuggets or a frozen pizza. When looking at this problem as a whole it becomes easier to see why junk food and soda are so popular in today’s times.
“Obesity in America is so widespread and such a product of our culture that combating it is nearly impossible. We need to change almost everything about the way we live, more or less simultaneously. In order to succeed, an edgier strategy is needed (Callahan, D. …show more content…
It talks about obesity being a chronic condition. Obesity means to have an abnormal or unhealthy amount of fat. People who are obese suffer from many health issues and it affects many of the body systems. It explains that a BMI (body mass index) of over 30 means that’s you are obese. Obesity is the second leading cost of preventable death next only to smoking. It also explains that genetic factors may play a factor in the cause of obesity. There could be some medical reasons that obesity is an issue. It has not been proven that obese people eat any more than those who are more slender. Many health problems such as diabetes, atrial sucrose, cancer, and breathing problems are more common with obese