Joe Thomas
Obesity- Texas’s Number One Epidemic Health Problem
The obesity in children and adults is a serious issue for Texas in the current time. The occurrence of obesity among Texas people is greater than the national average, and remains increase (DSHS, 2010). This epidemic health problem increases a possibility of cardiac disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, certain neoplasms, and other severe health conditions that make influence on value of life and has considerable financial penalties for our healthcare system. Illness rates from these situations are rushing worldwide and countrywide, and affecting all socioeconomic classes. Health promotion is an important strategy to achieve healthy people because health is directly related to what food we eat, in which activities we participate and the atmosphere we exposed every day.
In the United States Texas is considered as the 12th most obese state. The adult obesity rate in Texas is 30.1 percent compare to the whole population in the state. According to the AHR assessment the occurrence of obesity in Texas is increase from the present level in 2018 (America's Health Rankings, 2010). Houston is the top obese city in Texas. The reason for this problem in Houston is because of the weather changes in Houston. Lacking of enough physical activity or not doing any kind of physical exercise is also a major reason for increasing obesity in Houston. In addition unhealthy food habits, like intake of hotel foods as an alternative of homely food, and intake of big portion of meal is also a contributing factor to increase obesity in people. CDC stated that San Antonio had the peak obesity rate in the country in 2003. The San Antonio had several obesity initiatives, and obesity and diabetes rates are high in the city (Chicago tribune news, 2003). The South part of the Texas has a greater occurrence of adult obesity than the other