
Obey Man's Adequation In Sophocles Antigone

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Obey Man's Adequation In Sophocles Antigone
Obey man’s unfair law on earth, or disobey to save your soul?

Daily we are faced with the perpetual issue of good versus evil; right versus wrong, all the while attempting to find a safe middle ground on which to stand so we may extricate ourselves from all distasteful situations. Humanity often finds itself preferring to stand idly by, allowing others to make the hard decisions, letting apathy take over and allowing others to lead them blindly. Easily denying responsibility for the repercussions being wrought, the disasters caused by those decisions and ignore the complications involved in finding solutions for the ever expanding problems mankind itself creates. Like oblivious sheep they follow the laws of the land, conform and avoid the spotlight so as not to make waves. The defiant few brave souls face penalties ranging from banishment, to loss of freedom, hands, entire limbs, beheading or other extreme forms of gruesome torture and death.
Nevertheless, for some this blind faith is not always a viable option. There are the few brave men and women who have taken it upon themselves to be the leader instead. Righting the wrongs regardless of the consequences it may render merely to prove the point that this law is unfair and unjust. "If a law is
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Further study of this will reveal her struggles and victories also how they still apply today. Which laws and ideals have changed and which have endured. We will take a walk in her shoes and explore the many options she had, attempting to dissect what would have happened if she had conducted herself differently and compare them to the laws of the present day and how she may have behaved in today’s modern society. Taboos and censures will be unearthed, examined and explored fully so we may better understand our heroine and

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