This is a useful circuit for various purposes. In this circuit a counter is activated when a continuously supplied light is been blocked. It uses a counter IC CD 4033.An LDR enhances the counting process. This circuit an be used for various applications such as to count products going over a belt, and for counting persons passed at a point etc The project is done as a prototype and its Real one can display a three to ten digit numbers and can count unto thousands.
CIRCUIT EXPLANATION The circuit is using an op-amp LM 311. The sensor circuit formed using LDR1 activates counter 4033.LDR1 has a resistance of 2.2 kilo-ohms in daylight, which drops below 50 ohms when light beam falls on it. (An LDR of nearly 2cm diameter has been used in this circuit.) Comparator LM311 (IC1) compares the level set at pin 3 (nearly 6V, set using a 47k pot) with the level at pin 2. When light is falling on LDR1, its voltage is above 1V and IC5 has a low output at its pin 1. When no light is falling on LDR1, its voltage drops below 1V and IC1 output at its pin 1 becomes high. The output from the Op-amp is given as the clock for seven segment counter 4033.The counter count 1 for each high going pulse.The 4033 encodes the count to display number in seven segment display CE c5611
* ICs * LM 311,Op-amp -3 * 4033 seven segment driver counter -1
* RESISTOR * 10k -3 * 47k -1 * 1k -1 * 470Ω -1 * VARIABLE RESISTOR * 47k
* LED -3
* LDR -1
* Seven segment display CE c5611 -1
* Power Supply * 9v Battery
General Description
The LM111, LM211 and LM311 are voltage comparators that have input currents nearly a thousand times lower than devices like the LM106 or LM710. They are also designed to operate over a wider range of supply voltages: from