Object oriented programming was developed because limitation was discovered in earlier approaches to programing. The evolution to the object oriented programming is based on the following previous languages.
Evolution in computer programming languages:
In the earlier time, at the beginning of programming the “Punch Card“ was used for the programming purpose. Then with the passage of time human tried to work on the binary digits called “Machine Language”. 1. Machine Language
In the machine language only the two digits (0,1) are used. Binary language is directly understandable for the machine. All the programming is done in the form of (o s, 1s) . As directly understandable for the machine it is too hard to remember for human beings. This factor leads us towards the Assembly language. 2. Assembly Language
First computer program were written in assembly language. Mnemonic are used in it. Mnemonic is a combination of English word and OP code. For example ADD 2,5 etc. Assembly language is specific for the particular type of computer. It is machine dependent language. 3. High level language
After assembly language high level order languages were developed. Among the earlier time “ FORTRAN BASIC ” was used . One instruction in high language corresponds to a one statement.
A compiler is used to read the source file and convert it to the machine language.
The following are the categories of the high level language: i. Procedural language
In the procedural code one instruction in high language corresponds to a one statement. All code is written in the single file or program. Separate code has to be written for each type of functionality. It reduces the readability of program as well. ii. Functional language:
Function is used to perform the specific piece of task. The purpose of function is to make a separate module in which the definition and working code is performed and just call these functions when needed. 4. Structural