Modifiers – certain reserved words that specify the properties of the data, methods, and classes and how they can be used.
Statements – a statement represents an action or a sequence of actions. Every statement in Java ends with a semicolon (;) ++i
Blocks – are used to group the components of the program, for example class blocks and method block
Classes – the class is the essential Java construct. Every Java program has at least one class. Programs are inside a class definition enclosed in blocks
The main method provide the control of program flow. The JVM executes the Java application by invoking the main method.
Rules to name a Java source file: * If a class has no modifier define for the keyword class, that class is thus default. The file name can be any. * If a class has public modifier, the file name must be the same as that class * If a class has main method, that class should be public
Therefore there must not be more than one public class in one file.
Identifiers – special symbols to name programming entities such as variables, constants, methods, classes, and packages. An identifier is a sequence of characters that begins with a letter, _, or $, then following with letters, digits, _, $. It must not be a reserved word, must not be true, false, or null, and can be of any length.
Command-line arguments…. java ClassName Hello World Hello ↲ World java ClassName “Hello World” Hello World java ClassName “First Num” 53 First Num ↲ 53
Expression – represents a computation involving values, variables, and operations that together evaluate a value system.out.println(++i);
Constants – represent permanent