In today’s society the objective of punishment in the criminal justice system is rehabilitation. The goal is to eliminate future criminal behavior while the inmate serves time for the crime they’ve committed. There is hope that others see the sentences for such criminal activity and future crimes can be prevented. Deterrence is important to apply because it can discourage others who have thought about illegal activity. Incapacitation protects the society because an offender has been taken out of the community and placed in prison. There is peace of mind from them causing further harm. Punishment applies to the overall criminal justice system because the offender is paying off a debt that is owed to society itself and to the victims for certain cases. They are proven guilty through the court process and in return have to serve time in the corrections care. There are programs within the criminal justice system that help rehabilitate the offenders and prepare them for release from prison. Punishments assist with achieving institutional objectives in the criminal justice system because the offender will learn their lesson and know what the consequences are for their actions. A lot of inmates take advantage of inside resources to better themselves and better prepare to return to the community. However, some return to the system because they either don’t care or they weren’t prepared for life outside of prison. They need to set up a prevention plan to insure they don’t go back to their old ways. Institutions can modify their objectives according to the effectiveness of offenders and the percentage of how many return to the system.
Foster, B. (2006). Corrections: The Fundamentals. : Prentice-Hall
References: Foster, B. (2006). Corrections: The Fundamentals. : Prentice-Hall