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There seems to be a continuum of intelligence testing that goes on the one extreme of the Stanford-Binet intelligence test (IQ) to the information processing theories to Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence and ending with Gardner’s multiple intelligences (Bee & Boyd, 2010). The standard IQ test only measures the intellectual and academic dimensions of intelligence and Gardner’s multiple intelligences proposes eight separate domains of intelligence, each with their strategies for measurement. On this continuum the teacher went so far as to employ the precepts of Sternberg’s triatric theory of intelligence, but not so far as to try and cover Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. I observed the class on a Friday, so it was test day. There was a comprehension test and a spelling test. Both tests specifically gauge intellectual ability to the absence of any type of measure about practical or creative intelligence. However, after the tests the students were asked to color, cut out, and paste a large caterpillar to their folders (creative), and then the teacher had a story time where the class talked about the dangers of lightning (practical). As per Gardner’s multiple intelligences, the naturalistic and intrapersonal aspects of intelligence were those that were addressed the least in the class I observed. The class is almost entirely indoors—only having outside time at the playground—so there is no time to develop the ability to recognize patterns in nature. I think the teacher tries to compensate by covering activities that invoice nature themes, such as the lightning worksheet, but there is only so much of nature that can be studied in the air conditioning, under fluorescent lights. Also, there was very little development of intrapersonal intelligence. The teacher mostly relied on consequences as a means to control behavior, rarely trying to develop the personal strengths and goals of the students. I think that the
References: Bee, H., & Boyd, D. (2010). The developing child (12th ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Willingham, D. T. (2007). Cognition: The thinking animal. New York, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall.