ENG 105
January 20, 2013
Liza Kiesell
The Observation of the Salvation Army
When observing this big beautiful building, that is called the Salvation Army, that was placed in this community, I observed this building being more than just a community center, but an holistic approach to bring the community together and have observed them changed people’s lives. I have observed the different programs that they have for all ages and interests. I have observed their child care program, their assistance with helping their families in need and the Sunday Worship.
1-7-13 at 9:00 am
While walking through the halls of this big beautiful building called the Salvation
Army, there where people sitting around in chairs holding numbers, walking through the
Hallways, people cleaning up, people standing around talking, people coming in and out the
Building, some leaving with bags of food and some don’t. Older people sitting in the church
Singing, some up stairs working out, and some were sitting work at their desks.
Walking further down the hallway, observing the child care program there three
Different classrooms. One as the infant room, the second one was the head start room, the
Second as the toddler room and the third one was the head start room. Observing the
Hours that they are in operation were 7:00 till 5:30. Observing the flyer on the door, it
Talked about the ages which the children can attend, the different meals they receive
Throughout the day, and the different programs that they have to help the families, their staff and many other things.
1-8-13 12:00 pm
Walking upstairs observing a families walking up to the Social worker, asking about
Help with the paying their rent and for bedding. Observing the Social work giving the lady
That a check for her rent will be mailed to her in about seven to ten days.
I also observed the social worker, telling the lady that on that day