I think that women are more likely to buy vodka drinks over men. I went to a bar on the square where my boyfriend is a bartender on Wednesday night. I sat with him and watched sixteen people purchase various alcoholic beverages. I created a table that I could fill out while I was listening to the drinks they ordered. I watched each person order the drink, pay for it, and then drink it. There were nine women that came up to him to order drinks. The drinks consisted of two vodka sodas, two vodka cranberries, three vodka waters, and two Michelob Ultras. There were also seven men that ordered drinks from him. The drinks that the various men ordered included four Bud Lights, one Miller Light, one whisky coke, and one whiskey
I think that women are more likely to buy vodka drinks over men. I went to a bar on the square where my boyfriend is a bartender on Wednesday night. I sat with him and watched sixteen people purchase various alcoholic beverages. I created a table that I could fill out while I was listening to the drinks they ordered. I watched each person order the drink, pay for it, and then drink it. There were nine women that came up to him to order drinks. The drinks consisted of two vodka sodas, two vodka cranberries, three vodka waters, and two Michelob Ultras. There were also seven men that ordered drinks from him. The drinks that the various men ordered included four Bud Lights, one Miller Light, one whisky coke, and one whiskey