Part 1: Chemicals Well No. Observations of the Reaction
A. NaHCO3 + HCl
A1 Bubbles immediately formed and started popping (not rapidly). This could be seen more easily with the black paper underneath the well plate
B. HCl + BTB
C1 Once I added the Bromothymol Blue indicator, it turned an orange-like color
C. NH3 + BTB
E1 The reaction turned dark blue. When Bromothymol Blue reacts with an acid, it turned orange, and when it reacts with a base, the end result is blue.
D. HCl + blue dye
G1 The reaction turned green.
E. Blue dye + NaOCl
A3 The reaction turned blue. with the 1 drop of HCl
A3 The reaction turned from blue to a blotchy bowl of blue, green, and yellow. Similar to oil not mixing with water, the colors didn’t initially mix but were segregated. The yellow color eventually won out and it slowly turned very pale.
F. NaOCl + KI
C3 The reaction turned brown, but slowly lightened to a tan color. with 1 drop of starch
C3 The reaction turned black immediately when adding the drop of starch.
G. KI + Pb(NO3)2
E3 The chemical combination turned the mixture a bright yellow that looked thick and cloudy. The precipitate was yellow at the bottom of the well plate.
H. NaOH + phenolphthalein
G3 I observed a dark pink color.
I. HCl + phenolphthalein
A5 The mixture turned cloudy but clear. I now have the expectation that when phenolphthalein is mixed with an acid, the mixture will remain somewhat clear, and when it’s mixed with a base it will turn a dark pink color.
J. NaOH + AgNO3
C5 The reaction turned a thick brown color – almost like chocolate milk.
K. AgNO3 + NH3
E5 The reaction was clear. after exposure to bright light I sat this outside to get direct sunlight. It turned dark brown and it looked as though the silver nitrate and ammonia separated on the paper towel.
L. NH3 and CuSO4
G5 The reaction was a cloudy light blue color. With time it slowly separated into white/blue segments.
Part F: Testing of