Being a student at the University of Phoenix makes it mandatory for its students to collaborate with their peers in groups or learning teams. These learning teams are formed with individuals from different religions, nationalities, ages, strengths, weaknesses, and a variety of other differences. As always, when groups are formed, conflict usually appear in one form or another. This paper will show conflict will be handled in this particular learning team as well as possible ways conflict can be avoided in future learning teams.
Team Charter
In every learning team there are students that possess different strengths. Being a student who is familiar with the learning team process has provided me with some experience in handling conflict when they may arise. The first step in dealing with conflict in a learning team is to look to the team charter. The team charter is considered the road map to a successful team. The team charter specifically maps out the purpose of the team, identifies strengths of all team members, list potential conflicts that may appear, and outlines how those conflicts are to be handled.
Results of Self-Assessment
Based upon the results from the self-assessment on Jungarian some of my strengths include listening, being optimistic and creative. When it comes to trusting others I scored a 4. This score actually does represent me well. It is hard to trust someone right off the bat. Trust is something that has to earned. But I do believe, and others have told me, that I am a trustworthy person and don't see a problem in earing someone's trust. What I am able to bring to my team is the ability to take lead if no one accepts the responsibility. I am also good at researching, organizing, and presentations.
My first team member has expressed that she is organized, trustworthy, practical and possess a high faith in people. She also believes that most people are inclined to help others. Based upon her strengths indicated on the team