A man distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility and strength is the definition of a hero; however, there are many more details that define a hero. A hero is someone who can help people during life’s difficulties, using their talents and abilities to provide inspiration. Heroes also set an example, in today’s society people want to do the things that heroes do and even try to be like them. Heroes can also have experiences that help and inspire to go through their experiences; for instance, a person considered a hero may have a disease and people with the same disease can have someone to look up too when it gets rough. A hero can be anyone, some people look up to their parents and say they are their hero, others look up to a celebrity figure as their hero.
Celebrities are concidered as heroes in todays society beause of the inspiration they can provide. Music and musicians is one of the major factors in providing inspiration. Today people can see musicians as heros because of the inspiration their music has. When people are going through hard times music .is always something that will be there for them and help them proceede through their situation. Music can also help people express themselves. People say that they can tell what kind of person someone is by the music they listen too and that can be very true. There are many types of genres in todays society and there is something for everyone.