constricted by the frequent assaults by the government much like human nature in a totalitarian country. The nature of humans is a general concept we expect most humans to have.
However, human nature can take a toll by many different obstacles. One such obstacle may be totalitarian governments. Its assault on human nature is unlike any other obstacle. Many dictators are leaders of totalitarian governments. They defy human nature by causing harm to other humans and spreading false knowledge to the innocent. The dictators themselves are defiant of human nature, yet they also make citizens assault human nature. Dictators shape their citizens into brain washed followers who have a false moral compass. They follow the “motion by terror” method and from a boundless dynamism. Consequently, the dynamism created by the assault assimilates them into a class that lacks economic,social, intellectual and cultural aspects of life. Human nature allows humans to express their freedom and with totalitarianism humans lack freedom and thus spiritual values are
affected. Since an individual's freedom was greatly reduced through totalitarianism it meant that they would lose their freedom to express their spiritual values. The ability to express spiritual values shows the amount of freedom civilization has. Totalitarian governments exert complete political power and limited the freedom of individuals by elimination cultural and spiritual aspects of life. Totalitarians wanted the “ideal” society where there was no distinction between any human. It may have been an ideal concept, yet the way they carried out the plan was violent. If religious individuals failed to succumb to the pressures by the government, they would be liquidized. Therefore, many were put into fear who would comply to the governments terms and would loose their spiritual values. The rise of totalitarianism only lasted for so long until many people realized the flaws within the system. Totalitarian governments suppressed human freedom and human civilization. The violence and terror they used assaulted many components of a nation. Totalitarianism assaulted society, human nature and spiritual values undergirding human freedom and civilization. Today, totalitarian governments are less evident and many countries try to refrain from creating a totalitarian government.