Inclusion. In Chapter 2 of your text, the concept of inclusion is discussed. As Powell and Driver (2013) state, “In an inclusion setting, students with disabilities are instructed alongside peers without disabilities for some or all of the school day” (Section 2.1). Complete the Inclusion Chart (available in your online course) and view the article, “ Regular Educators on the IEP Team .”…
Inclusion is about involvement of all learners- the taking part in all relevant activities rather than excluding them for any reason either directly or indirectly and supports all learners with various strategies. It means recognising, accommodating and meeting the needs of the learner. Learners have a range of individual learning. Making the necessary adjustment for students with some kind of disability can benefit all learners. It is important to treat all learners as individuals. An equalities approach understands our social identity, in terms of gender, race,…
Inclusion is used within an educational setting and is a term used for stamping out discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender, disability, class, ethnicity, faith or background. It is about recognising and understanding that all children have the right to a wide range of facilities, learning and opportunities. In other words every child and young person or adult must be given equality of opportunity and allowed access to any form of education and care by meeting the individual’s specific needs.…
Inclusion means giving children with special needs and their parents or caregivers the same opportunities to learn, enjoy and…
Inclusion is about equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. It pays particular attention to the provision made for, and the achievement of, different groups of pupils within a school.…
A con that has raised much concern about the use of inclusion within the classroom is that teachers are not properly trained nor receive adequate support to teach a student with a disability. With teachers already struggling to provide appropriate education for students without disabilities due to rigorous standards and mounting pressure to perform, with such a large burden it becomes unrealistic for teachers to provide the attention needed and deserved for disabled students within a regular education classroom. With lack of training in specialized education areas, teachers are unable to properly serve disabled children and in turn these students are unable to receive an appropriate education accompanied by specialized attention and care needed in order to suitably benefit educationally.…
Inclusion is about accepting everyone regardless of difference. It is also about getting rid of intolerance of differences and providing help and support where appropriate. Educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. It pays particular attention to the provision made for, and the achievement of, different groups of pupils within a school.…
Of the benefits she lists, one of the most notable is the increased interaction and integration of these students, both in the classroom and on the playground, which has created a sense of pride and inclusivity among all students. Mrs. Santana says that the students feel pride in who they are and have stopped treating each other negatively based on their attributes. She also notes the academic growth she has observed in specialized students who are now accessing the general education core curriculum, pushing the students harder than usual, which has thus far led to significant academic progress. Overall, Santana's experience demonstrates the benefits of inclusive education for all students involved. According to the textbook, "The environment that is most appropriate for pupils with learning disabilities is the setting that is most enabling.…
Inclusive education is about looking at the ways schools, classrooms, programs and lessons are designed so that all children can participate and learn. Inclusion is also about finding different ways of teaching so that classrooms actively involve all children. It also means finding ways to develop friendships, relationships and mutual respect between all children, and between children and teachers in the school.…
Inclusive practice is not only about the schools providing for the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities. Inclusion policies must take account of all pupils in the school.…
Inclusive practice is identifying and understanding any barriers that are stopping children from completing the activity. We have to make sure that whatever the child’s background they are able to fully join in with everything within the school. This will make the children feel valued and have a sense of belonging.…
This article discusses the importance of inclusion and how to implement it into physical education. “Inclusive physical education is based upon the zero reject principle, meaning that the program has a goal to meet the needs of all students regardless of the type of severity of disability” (Fitzpatrick, 1997, 4). Inclusion is a hard component to implement in physical education class. However, with the proper knowledge, guidance, proper staff support inclusivity can be an obtainable goal. “Teachers who apply the principles and philosophy of inclusive physical education are strong developmentalists who have a solid understanding of growth and development, motor behavior and pedagogical principles” (Fitzpatrick, 1997, 8).…
They can then plan thats child's education and give that child an education that is…
Inclusive education is a move towards a learning environment where ‘special school’ learners are integrated into ‘mainstream’ education. According to Nind et al. (2005) ‘Education and educational provision is shared by both ‘normal’ pupils and those with a disability, at the expense of differences in the specific nature of each child or young person and her/his particular strengths and areas of weakness, and consequences that these differences have in terms of educational needs’. This means that the aim of inclusive practice is to create a neutral learning environment.…
Vincent E. Mumford & Judy Potter Chandler (2009): Strategies for Supporting Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities, Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 22:5, 10-15…