Peer pressure is a big part of teenagers’ lives. There are two types of peer pressure, minor and adult peer pressure. Minor peer pressure happens during a teenager’s high school years. These pressures are little; however, the students are still being protected by their parent. Once parents get in the situation, the student, most of the time, chooses the right thing to do. Adult peer pressure start at the age eighteen. This is the time when the student is leaving for college. Once in college, students do not have their parents breathing down their backs all of the time. This is when they have to make the right decisions on their own based on what their parents taught them. Making the right decision can be a challenge sometimes when everyone else is pushing you to do something wrong. By making the right decisions and avoiding peer pressure, all students would be able to succeed.
Time management is crucial when it comes to doing work in college. Some students wait until the last minute to complete an assignment. This strategy can either hurt or help you. Some people can work good under last minute pressures, while others fail to do their best. In order to manage your time the best way, you must complete the assignment when it is given, or by working on it little by little over time so that it would be completed on the assigned due date. The thing that hinders students the most is deciding to do their homework over going out with their friends. The best advice to give them is to complete the work first and whatever is going on can wait, because, most likely, it will happen again. Not only is time management a big part of college, but responsibility is too.
Everyone need to be responsible especially when they start living on their own without their parents. College students should be able to handle all of their school business by themselves, because they are becoming more independent. Students should be able to handle their own financial aid business and making sure they stay on their curriculum for their major. Handling financial aid can be stressful, but it is not impossible. Most people get the hang of it. It is important to keep up with how many credits the students have earned and how many they still have to do. Each student must be responsible enough to keep up with that information and stay on their curriculum schedule in order to graduate on time.
In conclusion, there are many hindrances to being a successful college graduate. Some obstacles that students may face are peer pressure, time management, and responsibility. Even though it may be tough to be a successful graduate, it is possible.