Before I can explain the role an Occupational Therapist and the Occupational Therapist Assistant will have in the recovery of a Traumatic Brain Injury patient, we first need to understand exactly what it is. The brain is made up of numerous unique parts and functions that depend on each other. Damaging the brain can have long-term side effects on an individual, depending on what part of the brain was injured. Depending on the type of brain injury this will affect the type of treatments that are essential for the brain to be able to function at a normal operating condition.…
Management is the process of directing an organization by planning for future work, organizing employees into functional unit, directing them in finishing the task given, and controlling or monitoring the work process to ensure the good quality at the end of the process (Braveman, 2005). Almost everyone in an organization will have to be a manager at certain time either for a small or big group of people.…
Summary: Freddie a 19-year-old Caucasian male, is diagnosed with schizophrenia, paranoid type with acute psychosis. He lives with his mother in an apartment in the suburbs and was recently suspended from work 2 ½ weeks ago. Freddie has been becoming gradually more psychotic over the past 2 weeks. He has been experiencing auditory hallucinations and delusions. An assessment was done on Freddie called an Interest checklist. The results were that he has a strong level of interest in exercising, cooking and doing arts and crafts. He would like to pursue these interest again. However, presents with the following problem list that has had him refrain from doing his favorite things and returning to work.…
For my first organization I chose, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). The American Occupational Therapy Association is an organization for all occupational therapy practitioners in the United States. It was originally called the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy. However, in 1923 it was changed to the American Occupational Therapy Association. The Association's mission is to advance the quality, availability, use and support of occupational therapy. Through standard settings, education, and research on the behalf of their members and the public. There are three types of professional memberships in the American Occupational Therapy Association, occupational therapist (OT), occupational therapy assistant…
Beatrice D. Wade, OTR, FAOTA (1903–1994), was considered a second generation of therapist, redefined occupational therapy and practiced the initial theory upon which today practice is based upon. She guided the field of occupational therapy to understand the importance of supportive care, concerned with behavioral aspects that impact the patient’s response to the rehabilitation. Wade developed the baccalaureate program, “The Illinois Plan”, combining didactic education with clinical practice when she was the head of the occupational therapy program at the University of Illinois at Chicago.…
In this paper, we are going to be comparing two frames of references. A frame of reference is defined as a guideline of practice based on theory (Sladyk, & Ryan, 2015, p. 73). Occupational Therapy Practitioners use the frame of reference (FOR) to identify theories that are relevant to treatment, which then provides a guideline for therapists to use when assessing the patients and providing treatment. A theory is defined as ideas or beliefs that one assumes to be true. For one to choose the correct frame of reference, they must be familiar with the model.…
caregivers how to provide for the needs of a patient during a therapy. I picked it…
The role of an Occupational Therapy Assistant is to help people participate in the things they want and need to do through a therapeutic use of activities. The function of the OTA is not limited to other duties such as preparing materials and equipment, collaborate with health professionals, evaluate progress and maintain records, and clerical duties. The OTA works closely with the Occupational Therapist to assist in the development of treatment plans, carry out routine functions, and direct activities.…
If you want to pursue a graduate degree, you should choose a marketable degree. A master's degree is always an impressive accomplishment. Most large employers require an undergraduate degree, and a master's degree can distinguish you from the other job applicants. According to several professionals, a graduate degree can boost your income, and a marketable degree can help you climb the career ladder.…
Occupational Therapy, which is a form of therapy that is used for patients to recuperate from a mental or physical illness that rehabilitates them to perform activities needed in day to day life, and is the best career to pursue for natural people lovers. It offers several job benefits that your typical full time job does not. Occupational Therapists (OT’s) and Occupational Therapy Assistants (COTA) work with hands on drills that act as rehabilitation to later help patients master the skill of putting clothes on, feeding themselves, writing, using the bathroom, using manners in public, and showing mastery of daily life skills. “Occupational Therapy Services can help daily to develop the underlying skills necessary for learning and performing…
“Always be thankful for whatever you have” though I knew it since a teenage; I learnt it through experience during my four and half years of OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY bachelor course. While working in a government hospital of a developing country, I got to see many individuals devoid of the liberty to have basic needs satisfied; I am blessed with a socioeconomically well settled family who taught me to live life with high moral and ethical values. Another important reason for calling myself blessed is, I am a normally developed healthy individual having all the motor, cognitive and psychosocial abilities within normal limits. I understand the value of being normal as I am a health professional and I have seen various abnormalities around. While finding the roots of this positive attitude I would like to mention briefly about my past life experiences. I am a proud daughter of a middleclass family. I grew up in a city with inadequate infrastructure. With the support and encouragement of my teachers and parents I indulged myself in extra and co curricular activities with equal zeal without compromising on my academics. That laid a strong foundation of my personality as well as my career. I realized my strong inclination towards health sciences while studying Biology in my junior college. At the crucial point of taking decision about which…
Evaluate the role of the occupational therapist in supporting mental health service users through occupation-bases interventions and outcome measurement drawing illustrative examples from the group work case studies.…
General care was the right place for me to start for clinicals. It taught me the basic techniques a respiratory therapist needs. When I first began clinicals, it was difficult for me to learn new techniques and procedures for respiratory therapies. I struggled to take them from a procedure learned in a book or on the Mayo Intranet and figure how to apply it when I was with a patient. We did have labs to help us get hands on experience with the therapies but I still didn’t feel confident when entering a patient’s room and doing a procedure for the first time.…
I am in my third year of Occupational Therapy. I have previously completed a Bachelor in Social Science from Waikato university where I focused on Psychology. I have finished a certificate in small business management and attended Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp and Outward Bound to further develop my leadership skills.…
Occupational therapists are usually working with patients that are not necessarily looking reach ‘normal’ life. They work to educate their patients on how to take care of their daily hygiene tasks, and other work and hobby related skills with their impairment. Education in occupational therapy gives individuals the tools they need to feel they are living a purposeful life. Conversely physical therapists often have patients that are looking to make huge improvements by the time they are finished with treatment. The education physical therapists give individuals is also important, they teach people how to properly perform their exercise routines without inflicting damage to their bodies (Institute for Career Research 11). They also teach patients how to do therapy at home to further their results. Physical therapists similarly give patients tools to make daily tasks easier; however, their goal is to get the patients back their prior state of life so these tools are not meant to be long-term…