Before I can explain the role an Occupational Therapist and the Occupational Therapist Assistant will have in the recovery of a Traumatic Brain Injury patient, we first need to understand exactly what it is. The brain is made up of numerous unique parts and functions that depend on each other. Damaging the brain can have long-term side effects on an individual, depending on what part of the brain was injured. Depending on the type of brain injury this will affect the type of treatments that are essential for the brain to be able to function at a normal operating condition.…
I have 15 Years experience within the childcare field and have worked in the home and in the community as an Outreach worker. I have also worked as a play worker and play leader for children with disabilities and a carer for a disabled children. More…
Post-Acute Service Administrator with experience in Home Health , Home Hospice and Home Infusion. 18 years of…
Management is the process of directing an organization by planning for future work, organizing employees into functional unit, directing them in finishing the task given, and controlling or monitoring the work process to ensure the good quality at the end of the process (Braveman, 2005). Almost everyone in an organization will have to be a manager at certain time either for a small or big group of people.…
Summary: Freddie a 19-year-old Caucasian male, is diagnosed with schizophrenia, paranoid type with acute psychosis. He lives with his mother in an apartment in the suburbs and was recently suspended from work 2 ½ weeks ago. Freddie has been becoming gradually more psychotic over the past 2 weeks. He has been experiencing auditory hallucinations and delusions. An assessment was done on Freddie called an Interest checklist. The results were that he has a strong level of interest in exercising, cooking and doing arts and crafts. He would like to pursue these interest again. However, presents with the following problem list that has had him refrain from doing his favorite things and returning to work.…
Bauer, M, Gakskell, G (2000) Qualitative Researching with text, image and sound: A Practical Handbook…
As an Occupational Therapist, I will be treating clients who possess a variety of developmental, physical, and mental conditions. I will be therapeutically assisting clients who suffer from a disability, illness, or an injury. I will guide a client to develop, recover, and maintain their daily living, social, and working skills towards their goals.…
I am certified in First Aid, CPR, and Pediatric First Aid which makes me knowledgeable of caring for accidents or injuries.…
If you want to pursue a graduate degree, you should choose a marketable degree. A master's degree is always an impressive accomplishment. Most large employers require an undergraduate degree, and a master's degree can distinguish you from the other job applicants. According to several professionals, a graduate degree can boost your income, and a marketable degree can help you climb the career ladder.…
Occupational therapy assistants and occupational therapist, work in a variety of places like hospitals, schools, nursing homes and private practice. Occupational therapist have a interesting and busy career because of their work environment, education and training, skills, and salary.…
Successful occupational therapists not only present personal skills and traits that help them to be successful throughout their career, but they also know how to use those skills and traits and combine them into their patients’ lives, helping them to achieve and succeed as well. As an occupational therapist, you will only succeed after your clients’ do.…
The experience that had a big impact on my life is going to medical camp. The medical camp was held at our local hospital. The camp allowed me to tour the hospital and speak to workers in various positions throughout the hospital. To get into the program I had to write an essay and have a GPA of 3.5 or better. At camp I was the youngest and the only African American there. While there it opened up my eyes to many other jobs in the hospital that interested me. Prior to going I wanted to be a Pediatrician, but while attending I found two other professions that interest me. The first profession is Occupational Therapy. Occupational Therapy is for people who go through surgery or get into an accident and try to relearn activities of daily living…
Occupational scientists study the “phenomenological aspects of occupation through qualitative research”. Occupational scientists focus on human occupation and study humans as occupational beings. This means that there is not one direct way to study occupations but rather many ways in studying occupations. This involves studying the different aspects of occupations by asking individuals about their experiences when accomplishing tasks. These different aspects include the subjective individual experiences, meanings behind participating in occupations, and bodily experiences when engaging in occupations. It is important to study these qualitative aspects along with the study of observable quantitative aspects because they go hand-in-hand with…
When I began researching occupational therapy programs, I was immediately attracted to University of Indianapolis’ OTD program. Not only was the location convenient with a beautiful campus, but the knowledge presented on the School of Occupational Therapy website was extremely helpful and informative. The mission of Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy matches exactly with my personal and career goals. I strive to become a caring and competent occupational therapist, through constant learning and leading within my community. The mission of the OTD program inspires me into becoming a well-informed, dedicated, and successful occupational therapist. My life experiences have led me to identify occupational therapy as the career for me, and University of Indianapolis is a school that I know will help me achieve that goal.…
When I told my friends and family that I wanted to become and occupational therapist, they all thought I was going to giving sponge baths to the elderly for a living. Little did they know that occupational therapy is one of the most rewarding careers if you’re someone who loves to help people better themselves. More specifically, I wanted to become an OT that specialized in working with children. I find that most people believe occupational therapy is more prevalent with the elderly than it is with children. I find this disappointing because I feel as though in some ways, OT is more important with children than it is with the elderly.…