Ocean Dumping The practice of ocean dumping should be banned. Marine pollution is at the heart of interest in today's search for a clean environment. Not only does ocean dumping add to the unsightliness of the once beautiful and pristine waters; it also kills the marine life which inhabits those waters. Pollution on a grand-scale is wreaking havoc on the Earth. The ocean is not an exception. In 1996, a bill, which would ban the dumping of dredge spoils in the Long Island Sound, was submitted in congress by Michael Forbes (Freedman). At that time, Congressman Forbes predicted that all dumping in the United States would end in the foreseeable future. He sees ocean dumping ending in the 21st century (Freeman). Unfortunately, ocean dumping is the least expensive way to dispose of dredged materials and other pollutants (Freeman). Although an uphill battle, ocean dumping should be outlawed altogether. In New York City, proposed building of treatment plants was conceptualized (Murphy). This allowed an alternative to ocean dumping; since ocean court decisions and legislation (Murphy) had banned dumping. The sludge may be transported to other states for use as fertilizer (Murphy). Treatment plants are less of an eyesore than pollutants in the ocean. Unfortunately, no one wants a treatment facility in "his back yard". Many miles of beaches have been closed over the years, due to ocean dumping. For communities where beaches are tourist attractions, this causes devastating economic consequences. At one point, medical debris washed ashore (Bauman). Congress passed a law at that time that banned the dumping of sewage into the ocean (Bauman). In 1987, an international agreement was signed and a national law was enacted to prevent ocean dumping (Miller). As late as 1995, ocean dumping continued to remain a serious threat (Miller). Tons of trash continued to pollute the nation's beaches. The trash not only threatens marine life; it also threatens the lives of
Bibliography: Freedman, Mitchell "Forbes Bill Seeks End to Dumping in Sound", Newsday, April 5, 1996. Murphy, William "Feds Approve End to Sludge Plan", Newsday, May 17, 1995 Bauman, David "Saxton Says Clinton Playing Politics With Mud Dump" Garrett News Service, July 24, 1996 Burnett, H. Sterling "The Politics of the Global Commons", The World & I, April 1, 1997. Benchley, Peter "Oceans in Peril", Ocean Planet Book, Smithsonian Miller, Ken "Panel Says Ocean Dumping Remains Serious Threat", Gannett News Service, September 5, 1995.