
Ocean Pollution Research Paper

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Pollution has been a major problem in the world for decades, even centuries. Though humans have gotten better about keeping pollution out of the environment, pollution is still a very predominant problem. Ocean pollution is one of the less talked about problems, because mankind knows so little about the ocean. However, it is still a major issue. Oil has been a sizable cause of marine pollution. It causes problems to the plants and animals of the ocean, as well as affecting oceanic movements and even human life and activity. Though oil is an important part of human life, it can be deadly to animals. A study by marine scientists shows that exposure to oil and oil fumes can cause lung and adrenal lesions in bottlenose dolphins, which in turn …show more content…

Seals spend a great deal of their time on the surface, as they need to breath every few minutes (The Effects). This puts them at great risk of coming into contact with any oil that may be in the area where they are surfacing or hauling out onto land (The Effects). Oil inhibits the mobility of fur seals by making it more difficult to move their flippers or cause more water friction, and young pups can even have their flippers stuck to their bodies, leading to drowning (The Effects). The oil can also cause sand and debris to stick to the pinnipeds, which weighs them down (The Effects). Mothers, in an attempt to clean their pups, may even ingest the oil (The Effects). Oil can also mask the scent of a pup and lead mothers to believe that their pups are not part of the pack, which can cause them to not feed their young or even abandon them (The Effects). The pups also spend much more time near the shores than adults do, increasing their vulnerability further (The Effects). When the pinnipeds ingest or inhale the oil, their sensitive tissue comes under attack (The …show more content…

According to John W. Farrington, it is not uncommon for them to be smothered when they come into direct contact with oil spills (9). Drowning, starvation, dehydration, and hypothermia can all take effect on oiled birds (The Effects). The oil also mats the feathers of seabirds, causing inhibited flight abilities (The Effects). Oiled feathers also causes loss of buoyancy, as well as a breakdown of water-resistant insulation provided by the feathers (The Effects). When they attempt to preen, the birds may ingest the oil (The Effects). The oil can also cause eye, skin, mouth, and nasal irritation and ulcers, as well as poisoning (The Effects). Sea turtles, whose population on Earth are already dwindling, are a large concern in the presence of oil. Breeding season, when the turtles are near beaches in order to lay their eggs, are a particularly dangerous time for these animals (The Effects). Any newly hatched eggs that crawl towards the oiled waters could potentially be oiled themselves, which can lead to several complications (The Effects). Major organs can be damaged, as well as the mucus membranes, such as those in a turtle’s eyes and nose (The

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