Professor: Stanford,
Subject: SSC 305
Topic: The Social Problem of Domestic Violence 'Domestic violence is one of the most under reported cases in the US ' , according to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). An epidemic, spanning histories and cultures. It can be intergenerational; handed down through learnt behaviors or multifaceted. Someone who abuses their spouse, will have a reason to kick the dog, the child and the elderly. We tend to think of domestic abuse as physical violence/assault on a partner, but it is the summary of physically, sexually and psychologically abusive behaviors directed by a person against another, regardless of education, marital status ,nationality, gender, religion and sexual orientation. What is a social problem ?.According to Linda A. Mooney et al."There 's no universal, constant or absolute definition of what constitutes a social problem. It 's a combination of objective and subjective criteria that varies across societies, among individuals and groups within a society and across historical time periods". In , ' Understanding Social Problems ', it is defines as a social condition that a segment of the population views as harmful to society and in need of remedy. Our objective perception is what confronts us physically, outside of us instead of in our minds. Our subjective perception is the antithesis; according to our feelings beliefs and attitudes, a matter of one 's personal views depending on how we see it. For those who view domestic violence as a social problem, then it is, for others, it may be a form of discipline established in a relationship. The same thing can be a social problem and its exact opposite. E.g. Abortion; those who oppose abortion, considers it murder making it a social problem. For those who lobby for it, It is not a social problem, but a solution for an aspiring pregnant young college student. Subjective or objective, domestic violence is a global, synonymous to
Bibliography: Mooney, L., Knox, D., Schacht, C. Understanding Social Problems 7th edition Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from President Obama signs the bill The New York Times Violence against Women Act March 18th 2013