Topic/ Specific Subject Area 2 The purpose of the product 2 Intended Audience 2 Possible Sections 2 Multimedia elements 3 Photos/ Images 3 Sound 3 Video 3 Main Topic and Key Features 3 Introduction 3 How cameras have changed 3 Data storage 3 Lenses 4 Editing pictures 4 Different types of cameras 4 Techniques on how to take a picture 4 The quiz 4 Conditions/ scenarios in which the product will be used and usage constraints that need to be taken into account 4 How the audience affected my content 4 How the purpose affected my content 5 Success criteria 5
Topic/ Specific Subject Area
The topic I am going to create a multimedia product about is Photography
The purpose of the product
My interactive multimedia project I am creating is to inform and aid within the education of photography. When A-Level students are learning about photography, this flash product will aid with their learning.
Intended Audience
The intended uses for the multimedia project I am creating is, for students that are studying A-Level at school or colleges and want to learn about photography. My project is suitable for both male and female students because the photography techniques and information that is used has no gender specific elements.
This flash product will also suit people who are interested in photography at an amateur level as well as students that have little knowledge of photography. Also anyone that is interested in photography will benefit from the product in some way.
I have aimed my multimedia project towards A-Level students and this could be anyone over the age of 17 years. Time should no effect on this product or the use of the product as the basic principles of photography have not changed; the technology behind photograph has changed and will continue to change.
My product is not intended for any specific religion so will suit any religion as photography is