Titus Flavius Vespasian was well known for restoring peace and stability to an empire in disarray following the death of Nero in A.D. 68. In the process he established the Flavian dynasty as the legitimate successor to the imperial throne.…
1.Southern region of the modern France around Marseilles is called Provence. After Julius Caesar's’ conquest in the 1st century the Roman called that area Provincia Romana, which later evolved in Provence.…
The Battle of Pharsalus was a decisive battle of Caesar's Civil War. On 9 August 48 BC at Pharsalus in central Greece, Gaius Julius Caesar and his allies formed up opposite the army of the republic under the command of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus "Pompey the Great". Pompey had the backing of a majority of senators, and his army significantly outnumbered the veteran Caesarian legions. Pompey deployed his army in three lines, 10 men deep. He posted his most experienced legions on the flanks dispersing his new recruits along the center. In total, Caesar counted 110 complete cohorts in the Pompeian army, about 45,000 men.…
When the Roman Emperor Augustus came to power in 27 BC it was after a period of civil war that lasted over 70 years following the death of Julius Caesar. Rome had 50 legions at this time, and number that would have put too great a financial strain on the Roman coffers. Augustus also feared for the loyalty of these legion due to the fact that many legionaries prior to the civil war had given their loyalty to the legion’s commander and not the state. During this time Augustus also limited Rome’s territorial ambitions choosing the secure its gains and to not expand it much further, thus making it more unmanageable both administratively and financially.…
The realm of Caesar has come to an end and all that's left is chaos and his haunting ghost. Brutus begins to dwell on all that has happened, starting from the death of Caesar to the death of his own wife Portia. Each chaotic scene is an outcome of Brutus' decision to kill Caesar. Now that he is about to fore go his biggest challenge yet, facing Octavius and Antony. As a result, his upcoming battle has led him to see the Ghost of Caesar, which only appeared to him, to remind him of all the bad he's done. This appearance is a significant event that will foreshadow the fate of Brutus.…
b. Caesar believes he is surrounded by friends and says to Cinna, Metellus, and Trebonius, “Good friends, go in and taste some wine with me/ and we (like friends) will straight away go together.”…
This loss of power brought about a series of civil wars fought among generals with the backing of their distinct armies. Julius Caesar eventually prevailed when in 49 BCE he rode into Italy with his army against the orders of the Senate. In 44 BCE he declared himself dictator for life, but was murdered by a crew of strict republicans on the Ides of March 44 BCE. This once again plunged Rome into civil war and while Caesar's heir, his grand-nephew Octavian, and Marc Antony initially joined sides to avenge his death, they soon turned against each other and Octavian eventually triumphed over Antony and his ally, Cleopatra. Octavian was given the honorific title 'Augustus' in 27 BCE and ruled Rome for the next 40 years. While he claimed to have restored the Republic, Augustus held many important administrative and religious positions simultaneously and so, in fact, became the first emperor. He attempted to maintain control over the Empire by improving road systems and augmenting town growth. He also united the Empire through his use of the arts as a form of self-promotion and to promote the themes of his administration, such as peace, allegiance to Rome, and respect for tradition. He visually improved the city by constructing new buildings that were worthy of the powerful Empire. He made art into the materialization of Roman government which was an idea continued by his descendants and was declared a god-- as had been his father, Julius Caesar-- at his death in 14…
Antony’s rule of rome soon became challenged, by Caesar’s nephew Octavius. Octavius was a more experienced in military altercations and with ruling from a legislative standpoint. He claimed the money of Caesar as the rightful heir, but Antony spent it “in the interest of the roman people” which did not include giving the roman people a cut of the money. This caused many of the people to rally against antony in favor of Octavius. Another challenger to Antony’s authority was Cicero. Cicero won the philippics against Antony, which is essentially a war of words. This led to the prevention of Antony joining forces with Octavius. Even with the present challenges, the system of government remained the same and a second Triumvirate was formed to take the place of the…
You are to produce a contribution to an online HSC Tutorial. You are to record and upload an answer to the question below. It is to be no longer than seven minutes and no less than five minutes.…
Mark Antony twisted the “dagger” of Caesar’s death ever so slightly and then threatened to unleash them on the Senators. But Caesar had named his grandnephew Gaius Octavius his sole heir. Octavius, who came into rule when he was 18, became Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus or Octavian, the son of the great Caesar. “While Antony dealt with Decimus Brutus in the first round of the new civil wars, Octavian consolidated his tenuous…
Octavian was Julius Caesar’s adopted son. When Caesar was killed by his own friends and consultants, Octavian personally led the manhunt to kill the people who took part in the attack. Octavian returned to Rome as the unquestioned supreme leader of his father’s empire. Upon his return, he assembled a large amount of money and the most powerful people in his empire, using this wealth and power to his advantage. He then became the supreme monarch of all of Rome. He used his increased power for the benefit of Rome and proceeded to strengthen and empower his empire just like his father before him. After Octavian’s death there were many emperors who abused their powers and showed it was difficult to be as skilled of a leader as Octavian.…
The Roman Empire was filled with beautiful art and insightful literature, but none knew how to use this literature to their advantage like Gaius Octavian Thurinus also know as Augustus. Augustus the most influential people in all of Rome's history and was responsible for turning Rome into an empire. Octavian was not directly linked to royalty, but he proved his loyalty to his uncle Julius Caesar. Caesar and Octavian had a close relationship and this relationship would grow to a point where Julius Caesar adopted Octavian as his son and made him heir to the throne. Not long after that, Julius Caesar was assassinated and Octavian would become senator of Rome, but would also be allowed to sit in council meetings. This was how Octavius came to power. But Octavian made his real mark when he decided to not take…
There were many factors that contributed to Octavian's rise to power. Caesar’s death was an important event that helped the rise of Octavian. This is because it created uncertainty through out the people, without a leader could lead to chaos. Octavian, being Caesar's adopted son, was the only possible next in line. Octavian possessed no doubts in eliminating those who stood in his way on the path to power and joined with Lepidus and Antony to generate a "plan for a proscription, yet once this had been decided upon he carried it out more ruthlessly than either of them”. “Augustus alone demanded that no one be spared”. This is such shocking disrespect for those close to Octavian merely demonstrates his absolute commitment to his goal of achieving power and stature. Nothing could stand in his way. The proscription even went so far as to target those who had done no wrong but have writing tablets under their robe, "suspected that he had a sword", “Augustus himself tore out his eyes and sentenced him to death”.…
The assassination of Julius Caesar left Rome without a clear ruler and various people (including Caesar’s adopted nephew Brutus, his general Mark Antony, and his grand-nephew Octavian) fought for power until Octavian (later called Augustus) emerged as the clear winner in this three-way contest for domination of Rome in 30 BC (four-way if Mark Antony’s former ally Lepidus was included). But there was one thing that stood in the way of Octavian’s total rule of Rome: its Senate. It was likely that he would need to say goodbye to his ambition of dominating Rome if he were to openly go against the Roman Senate so he pretended to respect it and in return, the Senate allowed him to remain as consul. He also received extraordinary powers over the provinces…
Gaius Octavius was born in 63 BC, the year of Cicero’s consulship, into a wealthy and respected family (Octavii) from the countryside south of Rome. With his birth, the future of the Roman Empire was radically changed. He was to become one of the most powerful men the world has ever seen, using his wit and ruthlessness to achieve the ultimate positions in the Roman Empire…becoming ‘tribunicia potestas’ and ‘imperium maius’. Having these powers Augustus had virtual control over the entire Roman Empire, and after changing his name to Augustus legitimately achieved these positions. So how did he do it? Octavian’s entrance into politics, his campaigns against the republicans and Mark Antony will all be discussed in this essay.…